Sat night pics


Active Member
Thank you BlennyBabe. Too bad they are all camera hogs.....or no one would have noticed I ONLY have 7 fish in there. Actually, I have the yellow tang, sixline wrasse, manderin(haven't gotten a good pic of him)royal gramma, coral beauty and I just added the 2 baby false percs. The 135 is almost ready, be up and running within 2 weeks. My yellow tang who you might notice is fat and healthy is going to be so excited to have 6 ft of swimming room!


Active Member
Gorgeous stuff Debi. I can't wait to see some pics of that 135..........make sure you take some pics of the canopy and such being built.....we like to see those too ya know. Good stuff. :)


Active Member
That's a gorgeous looking tank. I really like that fox and BTA. congrats on the new additions too. I also noticed those blue shrooms. Nice. I've been searching all over @$@#^@^#@$^
Georgia for them. And your photography skills are waaaay better than mine. Keep it up. :cool:
Today I have been truly inspired! I love all of those corals you have.If you don't mind, could you tell me how much money you have spent on your tank so far?:confused:


wow nice tank wrascal, and a lot of liting too. do u think that much is necessary for a reef, cuz i only have half that and its in pc lite, and i was hoping to get more in my tank than just mushroms


Active Member
Gee thanks everyone.
dirtycripple - I got advise from our very own sharktographer, Rye on the camera. It's a Canon G2, got it on sale right when the G3's came out :D It's a great camera.
DfishH - That 440 watts of vho isn't going to seem like much once it's on the 135 gal. but on the 55 it's been great. So far I only keep the fairly easy corals. If you search the web for a coral you like you'll find lots of info on what their lighting needs are. Search on this bb is great info too.
Spanish Dancer - I quit counting at about 4 grand:eek:
That tank is stuffed with 125 lbs lr and dsb, my tang is going to think he's back in the ocean once he gets in the 135:D
The bta is one of 2. I got one a little over a year ago and about 10 months ago it split. I had a tomato clown that lived in them but after having him a year he died mysteriously. I hope the 2 ocellaris clowns take to one of the bta's. It's been growing like crazy lately and was really stretched out in the pic.