Saturday in November...

nm reef

Active Member
... reason enough for me to browse thru my screen saver file for photos worth posting. All are images of my system taken over the past few years....

First is a group shot of a few assorted SPS was shot in May of this year. Not one of my better attempts...but the diversity caught my eye and I thought the result was decent.

nm reef

Active Member
Sometimes its best to just get lucky when taking photos...I remember when this one was shot...I was actually looking for another picture...this one caught the cornor of my eye so I clicked it...personally I was pleased with the result even if it wasn't my intended victim.

nm reef

Active Member
Other times I try to get creative with limied this shot I was trying to get a photo from low looking up and to the rear of my reef. Not top quality but a fairly decent view....

nm reef

Active Member
Nice to see ya Yosemite Sam far as I know its a green least thats my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I really like this photo too...features my little fromia star and my derasa clam...the derasa is about the size of a youth football....started as a 3"-4" young un'....

nm reef

Active Member
This lil dude always looks ticked off....I call him Poncho......great color but a poor attitude!!!!



very nice. i love the derasa clam. i just got my first clam, a purple maxima, about a month ago and am now intrigued by them. all i want is clams now