Saturday night 6 pack


Active Member
Lookin' good. You seem to have a knack for those SPS's. They scare the ^(%& out me. Maybe with few more years under my belt! Thanks for sharing.


Active Member
Thank you very much! The tank has been set up for a year but I only converted it to an SPS tank back in March. I kept the sand bed in place and added a bunch of base rock and live rock. Fortunately I have some very sharpe folks in my local aquarium club (CMAS) that have helped me not only with advice but donor and cheap frags! ABout 90% of these frags came from Geofloors who posts on some other boards.
Thank you very much! They still scare me too! I just ask a lot of questions!;)
Thank you very much! I appreciate the nice comments from all of you guys!!:)