Saturday Night Live...


that 300 skit was the worst thing i have ever seen. i was waiting to see where they were going with that sketch then realized they were going nowhere fast with it.


I don't care what anyone says. The united way skit was the best. "Parents, spend time with your kids so that Peyton Manning doesn't."
And I agree, it was outside of his scope for the most part, however, he's got some compromises to make in order to be the kind of celebrity he's on his way to becoming. It's all give and take. ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Saturday night live hasnt been funny for 20 years!
sandler, farley, spade, ferrell? were they not funny? I've seen the old SNL's and they had their moments.... but not as good as people like to say.


I used to say I liked SNL better than mad TV, the same still holds true only I dont like either of them now. Its hardly funny and if there is something funny its never worth watching the whole hourlong show. With that said I did watch this weekend. Peyton wasn't as funny as I expected. The first two or three skits were about the only parts worth watching, after that it went down hill quick. I will be watching next week though when "dwight" from the office is hosting. That should be an instant classic, so long as he dosnt 'schrute' it up.

blue oasis

Originally Posted by DragonZim
Saturday night live hasnt been funny for 20 years!
I agree there. Will Ferrell was the best.