Saw 5


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSmith
Money Money Money no one wants to let a cash cow like that go.
And on a side note I though that there is a reality show now to win a spot in Saw 6?
Well clearly they make $$, I was wondering what the appeal of Saw was. I like horror flicks but this one just didn't do it for me.


Active Member
I like most of them....there was one that I thought was terrible but the others were great for what they are.....which is gore gore gore gore gore and then some plot then gore gore gore gore a nice twist and then finish it up with a little goop of gore on top!
I like it!!!! I looooooooooooove horror
My favorite horror of alltime........ THE THING! BADA$$ movie!


I thought that old guy died in part 3. I didn't bother to watch part just seems they take advantage of halloween to make money.


did u see It yet, if u did how was it, I want to see it so bad but I don't know anyone that seen it so I don't know if it is good or not


Active Member
These movies are pretty dumb, but I love them too
However I will not be paying $10 bucks to see it in a theater, bluray will work just fine


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
These movies are pretty dumb, but I love them too
However I will not be paying $10 bucks to see it in a theater, bluray will work just fine

I know. It doesnt make any sense for a movie to be that much! This was our first one going to in a while. So called it a date.
And I hate going to the moveis cuz I buy every movie that comes out


Active Member
I love saw! My favorite is 4,3,1,2. I reallyyyy want to see the new one, but Im too young. Anyone know a place where you can watch it online for free?