Say hi to Fluffy


Great Trig! Always wanted an undy trig, never had the suitable environment/tankmate compatibility nor the funds for a solo tank. Im jealous!


Few questions;
1.) Which Trigger gets bigger the Undulate or the Niger?
2.) If I want to put a Niger by himself, what size tank can I use?
3.) Do Triggers get along with other Triggeres?


They both grow to around 12". A Niger needs a bigger tank because it is the more active fish of the two. My undulated is active too but he mostly swims around the rocks and through caves, doesn't swim very fast. Whereas nigers are more open swimmers.
Some triggers get along with each other. But there are others that don't. I wouldn't put an undulated with any other fish. A queen trigger should probably be kept by itself. Clowns are agressive but they can be kept with other very agressive triggers in a large tank... maybe with a gold heart. Nigers can be kept with a picasso/humu. Crosshatch, blue throat, sargassum triggers can all be kept together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by locoyo386
Few questions;
1.) Which Trigger gets bigger the Undulate or the Niger?
2.) If I want to put a Niger by himself, what size tank can I use?
3.) Do Triggers get along with other Triggeres?
Niger Triggs can grow quite large, up to 20 inch in the wild, Undys max out at 12.
Triggers can all be aggressive, but I have seen a scale that breaks them down nicely....on a scale of 1 (least aggressive) to 5 (most aggressive)...examples
1...Bluethroat, Sargassum, Crosshatch
2....Pinktail, Indian, Hawaiian Black
3....Huma, Rectangle Huma, Niger, Assasi, etc.
4....Bursa, Clown
5....Undulate, Blueline, Queen, Gold Heart, Titan
Any of the 4's or 5's really are risky in any sort of "community tank"
Fluffly is awesome btw!!


I've been reading that Gold Hearts aren't really all that agressive. More like somewhere in the middle, maybe a 3-4 on the scale.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I've been reading that Gold Hearts aren't really all that agressive. More like somewhere in the middle, maybe a 3-4 on the scale.
Yeah, I'm anxious to see how people do long term with them, the one "expert" I spoke to about them (he owns one of the online sites) said treat them in the same catagory as a Queen, that is their closest family member. They are so new, not many people have had them very long, until somebody has had an adult for 3 or 4 years, I wouldn't trust em.


Fluffy is da bomba....I have wanted one of those guys for about 8 years now, but have opted for aggressive community fish not a species tank.
Is that the more colorful variety (I can't remember which ocean).


Someone told me this one is pretty rare, with stripes on the face plus the orange tail. But I didn't pay any more than the cost of a regular undulated.


Active Member
Red Sea undy's are said to be more colorful and less aggressive than those from the indian ocean. I don't know if there is any truth to this but I have read it in more than one place, however red sea undy's are very rare. Also from what I understand the lines on the face may indicate the fish is a femal, the males lose the facial stripes. I believe this occurs as the fish reaches adult age.


Interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing Fluffy grow up, see if the lines change or the coloration.


Probably both. Although I could transfer it to my 150FOWL when it outgrows the 65 gal. Just not sure if it would survive with the Undy.


Well, that didn't work. I tried to put a lunare wrasse in the tank with fluffy. The wrasse is about the same size, maybe a little longer. I put the wrasse in and it did its hiding thing for an hour or so. Then it came out... WOW! As soon as Fluffy saw it swimming around, he instantly went nuts, attacking the poor wrasse. Luckily the wrasse is pretty fast. So I obeserved them for a few hours. Fluffy was ok as long as the wrasse wasn't moving, but if it saw it swimming around, bam! Instant attack! Then I looked at the wrasse and it already had 3 bite marks. I decided it was enough and put it in the sump. Tomorrow I will take it back to the LFS. They told me I could take it back if it didn't work out.
So lesson learned... nothing can go in the tank with Fluffy.


Hi Fluffy! Man, that thing is insane, I can't beleive how aggressive he is. Are you going to try anything else with him other than the wrasse? Maybe an equally aggressive fish might do, but I think the way you have him (by himself) is the way to go. Beautiful fish BTW!