Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...


I just got a Flame Scallop, it is so pretty. While looking at it we saw a little worm like think crawling out of his mouth area...he was red like the scallop. It looked like it was part of the scallop, like his tounge was sticking
What is it?


Originally Posted by jden092901
I just got a Flame Scallop, it is so pretty. While looking at it we saw a little worm like think crawling out of his mouth area...he was red like the scallop. It looked like it was part of the scallop, like his tounge was sticking
What is it?
That was probably a bristle worm. You will have to pick up some invert food. He wil need to be spot fed with a turkey baster.


Active Member
Scallop help...Just got one, dont know much about them...
um... not trying to sound mean but... research helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
I just got a Flame Scallop, it is so pretty. While looking at it we saw a little worm like think crawling out of his mouth area...he was red like the scallop. It looked like it was part of the scallop, like his tounge was sticking
What is it?
I'm not familiar with the parasites that they can get, but that doesn't sound very good.
Scallops generally have a very poor survival rate in captivity. They tend to starve in under a year. They are filter feeders and as such are difficult to feed.


here is a picture of it, and it sure didnt look like a bristle worm. I did some reading about them before I got it. You can not know EVERYTHING there is to know about them until you have one. I read a lot, and didnt find anything about this, hense my Here are some pics of it. First pic shows the thing in its mouth



Originally Posted by jden092901
thats what im doing here, asking questions.
They need to be spot fed. Pick up some cyclopese, or micro plankton.


since scallops are bivavles like calms and mussles they have a thick muscle inside it looks like that is what you are seeing. They have a thin layer of tissue that normally conceals it.
nothing really to worry about unless it gets more pronounced and the tissue starts to leave the scallop is on its way out.


Originally Posted by jden092901
here is a picture of it, and it sure didnt look like a bristle worm. I did some reading about them before I got it. You can not know EVERYTHING there is to know about them until you have one. I read a lot, and didnt find anything about this, hense my Here are some pics of it. First pic shows the thing in its mouth

here is what everyone is saying when they say research since you didnt find much about them come to a board such as this one and ask prior to purchase it will save you alot of time and aggrivation in the long run. the LFS will tell you anything to get you to buy it.


the thing that was red and sticking out was like a tounge it eats with that he sticks it on the glass nad rocks it also helps him move... it also sticks something out that is its tounge but it is ways bigger and that what he filter feeds with... i have one my self hes doing really good but his tenticels atrent red they are white and then the sheet that covers his mouth is read.. they make a mess though when they poop. i dont spot feed mine.


Active Member
make sure that your calcium levels stay high around 400 ppm. he is beautifull good luck

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Just a side note I have one only see it once and a while they like to hide so be ready when you do see it to spot feed


Active Member
I would just like to know why you would get something that you dont know much about and then put it in your tank? What if it had a tendancy of lets say, releasing a poisons in the water if it were to die. Or lets say something in your tank eats it. Next time, do yourself a favor and become a more responsibe aquariast and do research BEFORE you buy something that you are unsure about.