Scam!! Beware !!


Active Member
I've fallen prey to a scam or two.
I bought a radar detector on TV once.
It only went off once while I owned it ~ as the police officer was "handing" me the speeding ticket :mad: :rolleyes: :D
Buyer beware.


Staff member
Yes, that guy is a jerk and a con artist. It is for this reason I don't buy on ----.
However, I have to respond to the comment about online buying not being safe. I buy mostly online just about everything I need/want! It is a lot cheaper. I've never had any problems with returns or merchandise quality. In fact, I find customer service online a lot better than at the stores.


i agree with beth, i buy a ton of stuff online, i just try to get to know the site as much as possible before buying, i've had good luck so far, but i guess it would only take one turn of bad luck to really hurt a guy w/ the limits those guys give us on our credit cards:(

coral boy

I think what they mean about not being safe is that every time you send your info online ( credit card, SS#) someone can steal that info and it is also stored in your computer so they can get it there to. If you have a firewall program it will make it harder for them to do it but the good hackers can get around that


Beth - I think you're absolutely right. Most all of my purchases in the last couple of years have been made online. I've found customer service to be better than retail stores and have had no difficulty returning items that were shipped incorrectly or damaged.


Active Member
I have already reported this to safeharbor at ----. Seller will eventually be kicked off and will be back on the same day. I have been buying and selling on ---- since 1998 and can assure you 99.9999999% of transactions do not involve fraud and/or intentional deceptive practice.
I once followed a guy that was bid shielding.....when they finally gave him the premanent boot, my count had a total of over 40 user id's in a two month period. he hit one of my auctions and I followed the scum bag. ---- would actually communicate the results of their investigation to the person reporting (they no longer do so) and after 40 plus id's they finally recommneded this jerk to their legal department for investifgation/prosecution. I had to BEG ---- to do something, as their booting did nothing, but only put the guy out of business for a few minurtes or a couple hours. I logged MANY hours following this guy...reporting ID's only to see them suspended and new accounts opened. It was very frusrtating
The buyer should always beware, but we hear stories all the time where people are taken to the cleaners. Would hate to see a fellow hobbyist fall for this scam. I too question what can be done, as it is stated that you are buying a CD. I beleive it does fall in the realm of intentional deceptive advertsising...which is a gray area,


Active Member
we should all just make fake ---- accounts bid on his stuff and then just leave negative feedback.


Active Member
Maybe you should check it out..
If you notice. Everything he sells he has negative feedback on. The positives are on things he buys.
I emailed him asking if the lists on the cd was of wholesalers or just a list of internet web sights?
Strat saving n0w replied "Buy the cd if you want to know. There is no reason I should tell anyone of the secerts that are on the cd or any info that it is on the cd. If you are truely interested buy the item. Please don't waste my time with questions I am sure you did not expect me to answer. Buy the cd , and all questions will be answered.
I replied " Hmm so it is a definite scam. Probaly a list of web sites anyone could find that knew how to use a search engine. People like you who put products on ---- that have no value to begin with full of useless info, discredit the good sellers.
So you are hoping to make money on the fact people see this wonderful fish tank and free shipping anywhere. Hmm you are playing the old 'the fool and his money will soon be parted' . Well your feed back speaks for it's self, everything you sell is a joke and a rip off. Unless you want to keep getting negitive feed back , go back to buying. I guess you can do that, cause you are not a bussiness man, A bussiness man would be willing to share a little info to tempt the buyer and answer there questions. A con-artist sells( rips off) buy deception , Hmmm .. yep i see con-artist here .
thank you for your time and may your ---- account go bankrupt and your feed back all red !
That is my little email adventuree with the geek. He is a JOKE !


I wish someone could find out his personal info so i can give this guy a call and tell him what i think. I feel bad for the people he rips off and they sit there expecting a new snowblower/reef etc and get a damn CD in the mail. I hope he gets ripped off some day so he can know what it's like.

class clown

Here's one way to screw him: someone create a new ---- account under the user name "SCAM-DoNotBid" or something similar. Then place bids for $1,000,000 on all of his auctions so there's no way anyone else can win. And if the guy is bold enough to take action against you and ---- is stupid enough to take the side of a known scam artist, claim someone hacked your account, or temporary insanity or anything.


I wonder if there was somebody at ---- that we could complain too. I am sure that this has to cross some type of legal lines.


Active Member
He has already been reported to ----. I also sent another letter. We will see what happens.
start_saving_n0w has changed his feed back to Private so you can't view his auctions. And he is no longer a regestered user . Hmm looks like he got the boot from ----. But i am sure he will be back to scam again. :mad: All of his auctions have either ended with a mystery buy it now or been pulled for error in auction :p heheheh


Active Member
give yourselves a pat on the back, if it werent for you guys someone would have probably a 600 dollar discountlist cd :D


Active Member
rock on, go us! is someone following this guy, so we can do it again when he comes up on another name?
Hi Gang,
I was looking under fish tanks too and saw this too... His aol screenname is , I e-mailed him with questions and he didnt have much to say....'
Also, I e-mailed MANY people who left feedback and got responses from most! We are trying to stop him.
Someone who spent $$ on his CD crap sent me a copy!!
JUNK!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
So, dont fall for it............
Thanking you kindly, Kim