Scarlet Hermit question

Just got a new order in this past Friday. I bought a bunch of scarlet hermit crabs and they seem lazy. Is that the way they are or does shipping stunt them in some way? I also bought an emarld crab and some peppermint shrimp. The crab is awesome and does a good job on hair and bubble algae. The shrimp hide all the time. What is a good supplemental food for these three crits. Thanks a bunch.


what are u wanting the hermits to do? I have a couple I never see, cause they are "hermits". They come out at night when the lights are out. They all would be happy with some flake food. My emerald likes to snatch the flakes as they go by .
They look active for awhile then take a quick 8 hour nap. I didn't know they were nocturnal. Are peppermint shrimp nocturnal as well?


ive never had a peppermint shrimp but I saw some at the fish store today , they seem pretty active, although i dunno if the store ever turns off their lights. I do know they can pick on feather dusters and stuff so watch yours closely. I too really like my emerald crab. Cleaned my whole tank of bubble and hair algae. He seems to prefer the shade over the light but i see him way more then the hermits. I dunno if the hermits are true nocturnal but I do see mine most the time right after I turn on the lights then they disappear. Perhaps for their 8 hr nap :D


Active Member
I wouldn't call my scarlets "lazy". I have had them since April of last year, but only have a few left (I think my unknown HH crab mad a quick meal on most!) I see them during lights on, not always working, but at least 50% of the time they are. I rarely look into the tank at lights off. As for the pepps., yes they are nocturnal, as far as I know. HTH some. Also when I got my scarlets it seemed most changed shells within a few days, so some extra (larger) shells laying around might be a wise idea. :)