Scarlet Hermit ?


I just received an order in yesterday for Scarlet Hermits. Last night one of the hermits just came out of its shell and started walking around. I put one of the empty shells in the tank near it thinking it just needed to change shells but it wouldn't get in it. I had to walk away from the tank for just a minute and when I came back the cleaner shrimp had him. I tried to get it from the cleaner shrimp but he wouldn't let go. Why do the Scarlets do that. My Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 5, PH 8.2, temp 78, SG 1.025. I do have extra shells in the tank. Can someone give me a clue as to why they just walk out of a perfectly good home?:confused:


that's strange man...maybe that's what happened to my day he was in his shell..the next my blue electric was..and I've never ever seen my blue electric show any sings of violent the scarley proly wetn for a walk...stupid thing
best of luck with finding a solution to this one


IMO there isn't much you can do, you can have empty shells for growing crabs, which is good, unless you have a pistol shrimp, mine takes them and uses them for supporting his landscapes, I have had similare problems with crabs, in my tank they were swaping shells all the time. they jsut have to find the perfect one for them, I had one picked off my a peppermint shrimp during one of the swappings. just one of those things