Scarlet Skunk Shrimp or Fire Shrimp


Hi Everyone,
I am looking to purchase a scarlet skunk shrimp or fire shrimp for my 50 gallon tank. I went to my LFS a couple days ago and thought the scarlet skunk looked so cool in one of the display tanks. I called for the price afterwards and it was $29.99. But the person I spoke with also said they received a bunch of "beautiful" fire shrimp. I checked out their pictures and hands down the fire shrimp is a lot better looking. I've read some reviews and a lot of people say the fire shrimp pretty much hides all day. The price of the fire shrimp is $34.99. I just wanted to know what everyone thought and if they've had experience with these shrimp.

bang guy

Fire Shrimp are very nocturnal and not as willing to clean as the other Cleaner Shrimp species.

Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp are hands down the most willing shrimp to clean and are not nocturnal.

bang guy

If you're going to go with the Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp I would recommend hand feeding it often. This will make it more active during the day and "happy to see you".


If I were to feed the fire shrimp by hand, do you think he would be more willing to come out during the day too? Like I said, I would love to buy the fire over the skunk but I'm afraid he'll hide the majority of the time.


Well-Known Member
Just an idea get both. I have skunk and peppermint shrimp in my 75. Bang is correct tho the skunk is the most likely to clean fish. Mine cleaned my tang the first day I put him in.

bang guy

Originally Posted by shawnriv http:///t/397025/scarlet-skunk-shrimp-or-fire-shrimp#post_3537680
If I were to feed the fire shrimp by hand, do you think he would be more willing to come out during the day too? Like I said, I would love to buy the fire over the skunk but I'm afraid he'll hide the majority of the time.

In my experience that is the only way you will get more than just fleeting glimpses of a Fire Cleaner. Yes, if you hand feed it often it will probably give up it's nocturnal habits and opt for being out in the daytime looking for food.

The Skunk Cleaner is a sure thing though. Other than when it molts it would be out almost always looking for someone to clean. In my opinion the personality of the Skunk Cleaner outweighs the beauty of the Fire Cleaner.



Well-Known Member
Agreed. I looked at the fire my self but opted for the skunks BC if the day time activity


Quote:Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/397025/scarlet-skunk-shrimp-or-fire-shrimp#post_3537685
In my experience that is the only way you will get more than just fleeting glimpses of a Fire Cleaner.  Yes, if you hand feed it often it will probably give up it's nocturnal habits and opt for being out in the daytime looking for food.
The Skunk Cleaner is a sure thing though.  Other than when it molts it would be out almost always looking for someone to clean.  In my opinion the personality of the Skunk Cleaner outweighs the beauty of the Fire Cleaner.

Your shrimp have great color! I'll more than likely go for the skunk shrimp. What do you feed your shrimp? And out of curiosity, how much did you pay for your skunk? My LFS is $29.99.


Well-Known Member
Idk if u have any shrimp now but acclimated them slowly. There sensitive to water chemistry change. I usually go about 2 hrs of slowly adding tank water to the bag.then u should be all good bud


Quote:Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/397025/scarlet-skunk-shrimp-or-fire-shrimp#post_3537694
Idk if u have any shrimp now but acclimated them slowly. There sensitive to water chemistry change. I usually go about 2 hrs of slowly adding tank water to the bag.then u should be all good bud

Thanks for the reccomendation. Everytime I acclimate a new fish (I only have 2 clowns and one sea anenome) I use the drip method. I grab a large bowl and pour the fish with the sea water it was in from the pet store in the bowl, then use tie a loose knot in the line. After the bowl is about half filled, I empty half of it and let it fill up again. Once filled, I let it sit for about a half an hour then scoop the fish out with a net into the tank.

bang guy

Also expect a new shrimp to disappear for a few days. The transportation and new environment are stressful for them and it often triggers a molt. After molting they like to hide until the new shell hardens, 2 - 3 days.

They are omnivores and will eat whatever is available.


Well-Known Member
Hey bang guy. Are the fire shrimp more aggressive then the other shrimp? I thought I read that some place.

bang guy

They are more heavily armored. As an omnivore that increases their ability to prey on smaller animals like Stomatella Snails. I haven't seen them be more aggressive with other shrimp or fish but any Cleaner Shrimp will try to eat a much smaller Cleaner Shrimp.


Hey guys, I called my LFS and they are out of the Scarlet Skunk. Is it a bad idea to go for the fire shrimp for another$5 more?