Scary ***** Story!!!

mr. champ

New Member
I have to disagree with the hot water idea. Hot water can cause vessels and capillaries to dilate, therefore increasing blood pressure and circulating the toxin faster.
The current knowledge on dealing with venom of any kind, rattlesnakes, fish, bees, etc. is to put ice on the area and go to the hospital. Never try to apply a tourniquet or use suction to get the venom out, BAD IDEA! The cold pack will constrict the vessels, therefore reducing the amount of circulating toxins.
Hope this helps!


According to the most recent issue of the Nation's #1 Reefkeeping Magazine, "Marine fish and Reef," there is an excellent article on Lionfish. It states this on stings. "If you are stung by your lionfish, immediately immerse the wound in hot, nonscalding water (from 110 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit for 30-40 minutes or until pain has diminished) or heat it with a hair dryer. The heat will denature the protein that constitutes the venom and prevent it from spreading throughout your body. Although this should provide immediate relief, it is advisable to also see a doctor." It also goes on to state, "The most common symptoms of lionfish stings is intense pain in the affected extremity and swelling-but nausea, vomiting, delirium, chest and abdonminal pian, difficulty breathing, fainting and fever may also occur."


Active Member
Well, I don't know who you are getting your info from Champ, but according to the magazine "Marine fish and Reef" and Marine expert Bob Fenner, hot water is the first thing you should do for it. I think an experienced expert lke Fenner knows what he is talking about.
Thanks for the back-up, khaotic2.


well only a small addition to the lionfish venom debate lol. is also to 1.keep the effected area lower then the heart.
2.stay calm (pretty darn hard when you have just been stung lol)
the only question i want to ask though is after you helped that girl did you get her phine number lol
"like" if you are a guy