school fish


New Member
i am currently looking for a nice group of school fish that will stay fairly small in size. the only one i have found are the green cromis. any suggestions?


Active Member
How big is your tank? the blue reef chromis are very nice. Bright blue. There may also be an anthia that stays on the small side.


Active Member
The chromis are schooling fish and they will stick around each other in groups of about five. I would go with those depending on the size of the tank. In my 220 gallon I did have a school of blue hippo's (three of them), but everything died when I went on my honeymoon due to overfeeding and no water changes.
What size tank do you have?


Originally Posted by doraemon
i am currently looking for a nice group of school fish that will stay fairly small in size. the only one i have found are the green cromis. any suggestions?
there is a wide range of diffrent chromies to pick from blue and green being the cheapest, there are alot better colored ones also, but are going to cost quite a bit more like 25 a pop, but ive seen purples, bicolored, with blue and purple, ive also seen some that the LFS wanted 60 each for which was crazy in my eyes but they where quite beautiful, they had a bright blue rim on there dorsal, and anol finns like the lines on a blue line tang, their bodys where purple fadding into a kind of pink in the middle


New Member
thanks for everyones input. i have a 90 gallon tank. im okay with spending more for the fish if they look nice however i have only seen the blue or green cromis at my LFS. i want the fish to stay really close to together like the green cromis.
thanks everyone


New Member
so far i like the blue reef cromis or the hawaniian cromis. however i have never seen the awaniians at LFS...


I dont think they have them in on here youll have to search if thats the ones you really want or go with something instock here.


My cromis, damsel and dartfish all school together in our 55.
I found these really cool looking fish at our lfs and could tell by looking at them that they are damsels and I loved they way they schooled so I bought 4 of them. I have searched the net over and over trying to find a picture of these fish and the closest I can come is the figi talbot damsel, but it is still not the same. I was told that they are called honey reds. I have these 4 in our 36 gallon and they school exactly like I was hoping they would. I guess just luck on my part.


New Member
My LFS ordered some wild caught fiji green cromis, they look a lot better then the normal ones. i think that is at the top of my list right now...