school [is retarded]


Active Member
blahh ima sophomore tomorrow. i hate school. BUT. if i get merit roll until april i get a 100 gallon tank for my birthday! woohoo! im already getting my stocklist together!

lol! it'll never happen, i suck at math! and i cant get merit roll if i get under or more then one c!

but still. excited. it might happen...


Active Member
man thats so awesome, a 100 gallon tank? thats awesome. did you already plan on it being Reef ready, or what kind of lighting youll be puttin on it? refugium?
school is retarded, fall classes start for me on the 29th :[


Active Member
i need to do alot of research for what i want to put in it... i dont have a job yet so i was thinking if i did really good and got the big tank... the rich grandparents might spring for metal halides.... yes i definately want a reef tank! but im going to have to save up for that myself because i insist on paying for all livestock because i would feel really bad if something happens and it died! ohh and yeah, i totally want a fuge, bacause im saving up to order more live rock from swf, and once everything is up and running and stable i want to keep a mandarin! but dont worry... that wont be for a couple years probably!


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i need to do alot of research for what i want to put in it... i dont have a job yet so i was thinking if i did really good and got the big tank... the rich grandparents might spring for metal halides.... yes i definately want a reef tank! but im going to have to save up for that myself because i insist on paying for all livestock because i would feel really bad if something happens and it died! ohh and yeah, i totally want a fuge, bacause im saving up to order more live rock from swf, and once everything is up and running and stable i want to keep a mandarin! but dont worry... that wont be for a couple years probably!

same here, when something dies its just awful. my lfs orders them and i think he told me a reefready 75 was 250, stand is about 99
i want a 55g rr with t5 lighting. the 55g is like 150, stand is also 99, t5 is like 470. figure i could save money by making the live rock myself and just seeding it by buy a few lbs of it from the store thats already live
hopefully your grandparents will pay for the lighting, i think lighting and the ls and lr is really expensive when you start getting a bigger tank. 55g for me would be a good start since it wont be that expensive


Active Member
Originally Posted by THEREEFER9
lucky my parents say good job and thats it.
ugh same here... i think back in 5th grade i got all A's so they gave me $20 bucks but thats about it...


Active Member
well i guess it pays to suck then... theyre only doing it because all the achievement tests and stuff say im like a genius and i should be in college... but i just dont care [at all] about school and theyre about ready to buy me a car if i get honor roll. LOL


Active Member
school is the most important thing you will ever do, it dictates your future, will you be successful in life, or will you have to break your hump just to make ends meet? try your best at school and if you are weak in something get a tutor till you understand it then you won't be weak in that subject, sorry to sound like a parent, but i am one this is the best advise i can give i know it wasn't soliceted i just want your futures as bright as possible...tobin


Active Member
I thought school sucked too. You what sucks worse? Being a office machine technician because you didn't finish college cause you though school sucked


If your biggest problem is math you are fortunate, there are a lot worse subjects to have as a stumbling point. See if the parents will get you a tutor. Instead of dreaming of your dream tank put your efforts into earning it. Good Luck!


ahhh to be a sophomore again....
A good way to get through school is to sit down and figure out your future goals. Figure out where you want to be in 10 or 20 years.
After you have determined what the goals are the next step is to determine how you are going to meet those goals. Keep repeating the how step until you have things figured out.
I would be willing to bet that once you've done that you'll realize how important school is and school will seem like less of a drag.


Active Member
I hate a junior and make straight Cs...sometimes a B...I dont have time for a tutor, I have a job that I have to have to have a car running and all that good stuff and sports..Sports take up a lot of time and believe it or not, the coaches get mad at you when you miss practice because you were being helped by a teacher


Active Member
Enjoy it why you can when you get older you will miss it.You may not think it now but u will.Once you have to work everyday it will look alot better.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
I hate a junior and make straight Cs...sometimes a B...I dont have time for a tutor, I have a job that I have to have to have a car running and all that good stuff and sports..Sports take up a lot of time and believe it or not, the coaches get mad at you when you miss practice because you were being helped by a teacher
Well u won't play many sports if you don't have the grades if you like to play or not.Not everyone can get good grade some have to work real hard at it but have a god given tallent in sport and have to make sacrifice.
and without school most willnever make it to the next level.Unless you play basketball but they are making you go to at least 1 yr of college now to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nietzsche
i think she just meant that school isnt fun
thats more where i was headed. thanks. yeahh i was prepared for all the school is the most important thing on the planet speeches. i get that a lot. all i meant by my original post is that if i can bust my a$$ and keep my math grade up... i could potentially be getting a new tank. and im excited because its possible.


Active Member
lemme ask a question to all you college grads out there (old or young)
Have you ever had to know what a adverbial conjunction or a quantifier or a interrogative pronoun was? Have you ever applied any of these at work or at home? Has anyone ever asked you in an interview what it was?
Also if the answer is no to any of the above, why do we learn what they are?


Active Member
id say about 78.43% of what we learn at school is relatively useless. but i guess its still good to know. for example- science, when the hell are we ever going to need to know how to figure out how many electrons an atom has??? BUT if i am ever on jeopardy, that could win me 30000$! see, theres a point to it all! *rolls eyes*

b bauer

Originally Posted by mopar9012
I hate a junior and make straight Cs...sometimes a B...I dont have time for a tutor, I have a job that I have to have to have a car running and all that good stuff and sports..Sports take up a lot of time and believe it or not, the coaches get mad at you when you miss practice because you were being helped by a teacher
my son is a junior and plays football if his grade goes below 2.0 they dont allow them to wife is a high school math teacher and she helps him.I had calculus in school and I have no idea how they do math now