School of chromis


How many should I start with in a 55 gallon? Currently cycling with 90 pds of live rock but when I buy some blue/green chromis, how many should I buy first, and how many should I eventually end up with?


Active Member
Well, that totally depends on what you want.. do you want a small school, or do you want a school to be the focal point of the tank.
Chromis are in the damsel family. They eat a lot and produce a lot of waste.
I would never introduce more than 3 small fish at once in a 55 gallon. (After QT first). so try 3, and go with a couple more later if you want.


Active Member
Keep in mind that Chromis actually get biggish. You won't want more than 3 if you plan on having any other fish in there.


could 1 have 3 green chromis, 2 tomato clowns, and 2 blue devil damsels in the same tank (72 gal bowfront) ? and maybe something else down the road ?


Active Member
the buegreen chromis only get to about 3 inches as adults they do best with other chromis introduced to the tank at the same time you could easily do 5 of these chromis at once if they are the first fish to be added if when smaller sized they do school very nicely together this way, but may be agressive toward later addons to the pod if you keep 6 or more one will be the female unlike clownfish you need 6 or more together to get a single female