Schooling Aggressive Fish?

I'm getting a 240-300 gallon tank soon and I was wondering if there are any Aggressive fish that I could get to school in that size tank. How many yellow tangs do you need for them to school? Iv'e heard 3 but I've also heard 6.


how about some lookdowns? those are some sweet fish:yes:


i am setting up a 180 and i was wondering the same thing. I think i am going to do a school of tangs and cromis. but i heard that the tangs will (when older) weed out the weak tangs and attack them. but i would like a second opinion. Go with a big school of cromis


Get Lookdowns if you can find them. They are only about $90 a piece. Usually the same price for babies as adults.

tony detroit

Active Member
Lookdowns will make a 300 look small. They will do fine, but a "school" of them will surely make it look small. They are sweet fish, and I've seen them in 100 gallons but I don't really think I'd pull off a school of them in a 240-300.