Schooling fish for 40 gallon help!!

I would like to have a school of some sort of larger fish. I was thinking Powder Blues or some species of Angel ...any suggestions.
This would be a fish only 40 gallon tank ...perhaps some rock for decoration and 2 shrimp but no coral ...maybe a shroom or two but that's it.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Butterflies are a definate no. There are really no dwarf butterflies, and although you could maybe get a group of small heniochus, they would easily outgrow that tank. My only suggestion would be maybe a small group of pygmy angels. With a 40 gallon you're really limited, and even though some fish may fit in the tank, a lot of larger fish will succomb to disease in the confines of a small tank due to the stress.


there are no butterflies, tangs, or angels that could live in a group [6-10] in a 40 gallon tank.
a 40 is too small for one tang, but you could keep one dwarf angel in it...
*generally,* dwarf angels fight among eachother, especially among their own species...
I cant think of very many butterflies that could live in a 40 gallon... there are a *few* I suppose, but they would need to be on their own and need pristine conditions...
what about something like a pair of clowns? or a small school of chromis [~6?]...
I have recently seen a species of chromis that is half black and half yellow... very nice...
you also said "perhaps some rock or other decoration" ... most fish NEED decorations for caves, homes, and territory. and the majority of fish need live rock of some sort with an established growth on it...
IMO, you should concentrate on getting a lot of LR, maturing the tank, then a clean up crew before really thinking about fish to put in.
Drew :)