schooling fish ? no chromis


fish only 150 gl and 130 lbs of live rock
the tank up in running for 9 months
tangs,angle,clown,wrasse,shrimp,star fishs,and alot snail,crabs


Active Member
That is the exact fish I was thinking about. I have 3 Heniochus Diphreutes in my reef tank that are perfect. They are very hard to distinguish between the other heni's that are not reef safe. They swim in schools. Biggest difference is their snout is very small and the black line that goes through the tail on the lower part is completely black, as the acuminatus has white in this area as well. I only say this in case you should want to switch to a reef at any given time. They are very hardy, friendly fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nimo1969
good call ??????????????????????? thanks
2-4 ?
2 is not a school, it's a pair, totally different story. Never get schooling fish in even numbers.
A tank containing "live rock, shrimp,star fishs,and alot snail,crabs" is obviously not a fish only tank. If you ever post that its a fish only without telling them about the other, you may get the wrong advice.
You have a FOWLR w/verts.