Schooling Fish?


New Member
We have a 46gallon tank with a yellow wrasse, and a percula clown. I would like to get about 3 schooling fish but i am stuck. I want something that stays fairly small. I seen some little yellow ones that looks like they may be a goby but i cant remember what they were called. So what would you guys suggest? Thanks :)


Chromis are a good choice and plus they only get about 3 inches.


Like everyone one else mentioned, green chomis. I have 7 im tank, they are really pretty to watch when they school.


New Member
My sister in law just got some of those and I forgot all albout them till you guys replied. I like them too.. so do you think 3 would be ok?


Active Member
Three or four green chromis would work great, also you could get some lemon damsels, they are very pretty, colorful and mild tempered...Lisa <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


i have 3 chromis in my tank, sometimes they are all together or chasing each other they seem pretty playful. they also play with the pair of clowns


Active Member
sorry but
anthias, especially schoolling, really should be in a much larger tank then that too
but they are a very pretty and colorful fish


New Member
Well we went last night and got three green chromis, I really like them and they have been very active. Thanks for the advice!
Tera <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


i would really consider a larger tank before thinking about schooling any fish..larrge or small. look for a tank with good surface space. i would atleast go with a standard 55. 75 would give you a little more surface area.
a 150 would be best for what you are trying to do with the little green guys.
however a 55 would do. a 46 i think i to small


is chromis reef safe?
I have
Pygmy Engel
Black Cap
1 pair Cinamon Clown.
Is it ok if I add 6 chromis into my existing stock.
75G reef tank


Do blue damsels school? I have a 200gal. I have 3 already.


Active Member
if you get banggais, get all of them at the same time, they are very docile and great fish, but adding more later on is very risky, often the existing one will kill off any new additions(of cardinals only), ours is great but for us to get a 2d(to replace our one loss) would be extremely risky, but hey do outstanding in schoools(jsut as i said add all at one time)