Schooling Fish


New Member
What is the advantages to a "schooling" fish? Is it just that they stick around together? I have 2 scooters, 2 domino damsels, 2 chromis, 2 blue damsels, and 2 clowns, 2 engineering gobies and a Foxface/Sailfin Tang. I have noticed all of them seem to stick with each other. If you get more than 2 do they behave differently?


from what i've seen i'd say that as long as all the fish are peaceful they will school together!! look up a person named goodwin9 and look at his webpage with the video and u'll see that they all swim together must of the time!


A school is 3 or more. I was looking at the heniochus black and white butterflyfish or bannerfish for my 125. I hear they school. But I've been told that once any schooling fish becomes "established" in an aquarium they may stop schooling. Hope you get some more definitive answers, as I'd like to know myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Corcoadam
I'd like to get some small fish that will school. Any suggestions?
Chromis or cardinals may be a good bet. Just be sure to get an odd number and add them all at the same time.


I like my 3 bg chromis. They push each other around on occasion, but are peaceful to everyone else in the tank. They also add something to the upper part of the tank if you have a lot of fish that hang out low...


Originally Posted by bpaul1201
from what i've seen i'd say that as long as all the fish are peaceful they will school together!! look up a person named goodwin9 and look at his webpage with the video and u'll see that they all swim together must of the time!
agreed! his tank is big enough he has schools of tangs!