schooling green chromis


Active Member
hey all, i was thinking about trading in my yellow tailed blue damsel and getting some schooling fish. Do you think I have the bioload available for say 3 green chromis? And if so are 3 enough to get that nifty schooling look? thanks! -leigh


Mine didn't school until I had five. I think they would be fine in your tank although I wouldn't use up my whole bioload on just them.


Active Member
Yeah, thanks, that answers my question...I know I don't have space for 5, or at least I'm not willing to make space for 5. Thanks.


Staff member
Get the blue-green chromis which are a bit smaller than the green ones. You'll need about 5 for a school.


my lfs has blue-greens in the half to three quarter inch range. should be easier to fit these in maybe eh?
i have seen 3 firefish school before in several tanks, looks rather like a squadron of torpedoes hovering in the water. maybe you can fit that into your scheme. a ton more expensive, but also more interesteing to look at with those flicking dorsal fins.


Active Member
Oops, nevermind my last post...I think firefish are out for me...from a search of this site it sounds like they have jumping issues occassionally? My tank is in no way protected from cat would wind up with firefish for supper. i could buy a LOT of cans of sheba for the cost of one firefish :) Too big a risk...anyone else everheard of chromis (of any color) schooling in groups of 3? Unless someone disagrees (and you see what I have in my sig) I just don't have bioload available for 5 fish. Thanks!


New Member
i have 4 blue/green cromos in my tank that scool around all the time and 3 in the other one that does the same


I have 3 Blue/Green and they don't school at all. In fact they tend to chase each other and "fight".


I have about the same bio-load in my 55 . I have 3 green chromis and they school and dont bother anything.


Active Member
I was under the impression that introducing them together in the main tank first would prompt them to school ..... trying to find my notes on them. Put I am planning on adding them first after my cycle as small as I can buy them.
Not sure if that is 100% gospel but I asked this question about 6 months ago ..... and a couple of people responded back to intro them as small as possible and together.