Science Quetion re:salinity


I just bought a topping off unit to add fresh RO when my levels get too low. The question is this: Will the salinity stay the same if I don't add any more salt? I have a lot of evaporation, but the guy at the lfs says that as long as I keep adding RO, the salinity will stay constant. My green acropora colony is bleaching, and I think it is because my salinity fluctuates between .025 and .023. My calcium, alkalinity, and ph levels are perfect. I add C-Balance every day that may cause the salinity to increase, but I'm not sure what the cause is. Any ideas???


Active Member
Salt does not evaporate , it stays in your tank, I lose about 1 to 1 1/2 gallons a day, with MH on I expect it to go to 4 gallons per day, just dont let water level get too low so you have to add so much at once, an auto topoff is ideal:)