Scooter Blennie Death Question


Active Member
My wife has one favorite fish in the world and I have managed to kill it. Per her words. She thinks it is because I fed him mysis shrimp and occasional brine. The tank had minimal pods, so I would try to get him to eat something which he would about every other day. One or two bites. I am asking the question, did he die of starvation as I think, or from brine and mysis as she thinks?

darth tang

Active Member
Starvation. Odds are with the brine and or mysis he took it in and then spit it out. Tell your wife, if she wants one of these fish you need to have a minimum of 100Lbs. of live rock in your tank and for atleast 6 months before you get the fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Starvation. Odds are with the brine and or mysis he took it in and then spit it out. Tell your wife, if she wants one of these fish you need to have a minimum of 100Lbs. of live rock in your tank and for atleast 6 months before you get the fish.
I need about 2 thousdand responses like that to avoid the garage this weekend.


well, I have a scooter blenny in a 29 gal with ALOT of LR..not sure of the pounds because I have continuosly added for a long little blenny eats mysis shrimp like it's "goin outta style"!...I have had him for like 7-8 months far so good...I am sorry for your loss tho'...not quite sure why you lost him tho' if he was eating mysis.. ***)


I have a blenny in my 90gal and he got fat off eating flakes.


scooter blennies are not the greatest to get because of there feeding habits, most of the time they die of starvation because they dont eat a lot. Mysis is there favrite food though


Active Member
I have a scooter also, lots of personality and friendly but tons of work. If you get one that eats frozen foods then your very lucky. Mine was on the way out when I bought him from this hole in the wall shop that pretty much gave him to me for 75cents since they had no clue how to care for him.
Mine eats frozen mysis but he eats alot of Amphipods, and Copepods as well. Refugiums are your best friend when trying to keep any of the dragonettes. I have to hand feed mine using an eye dropper every 2 days to make sure he's getting all the food he needs. I just capture some pods from the fuge or suck some frozen mysis into the eye dropper spot feed him like you would a starfish. They can be coached to learn to go to a top corner of your tank by luring with the eye dropper after he realizes eye dropper=food. I would stay away from frozen brine for a draggonette because I don't believe they have enough nutrients in them to sustain a fish long term.


Active Member
EDIT: I'm not sure why they even call them scooter blennys. Their feeding, and living habits are almost identicle to a mandarine.


(Synchiropus ocellatus) you're right, just looked it up. this thing is way different than my blenny. guess that's the problem with common names


Active Member
I'd love to have a mandarine some day, but I'm just too worried about providing it with enough food. Scooters seem to eat less than a mandarine, but mandarines have a little bit different body structure (can have a nice round belly).