Scooter blennies


Active Member
I have one scooter blenny right now and I wanted to add another one, my question is, is it better to have a male and a female, or two females? I have a female now but I've heard that they will fight if you get two females or males or something but I don't remember witch it was. Does anyone know?

madd catt

I think its the same as well with lawnmower blennies that onless you have a large tank {90 to 100 GALS} that it might not be advisable.There might be an aquarist here that has two though in a smaller tank.:p
Carrie what size tank do you have and how much LR/LS do you have? How long have you had your scooter for? These are in fact not Blennies, but Dragonettes. There diet consists maily of pods. Unfortunately I learned the hard way. I put one in my tank when it was only about 6 moths old, and it slowly starved to death over the course of 2-3 months. It totaly eliminated my pod population. I can only imagine two would do it twice as quickly.


Don't worry about feeding your dragonettes, they will dig on pellets that sink to the bottom, and they LOVE fresh shrimp and clam. The one concern you mentioned is pairing...they need to be a mated pair, a male and a female, two males will kick the crap out of each other. Good luck!


New Member
Are you talking about brine shrimp for feeding the blenny? What are these pellets that sink? Something I can buy at LFS?
I wouldn't go so far as to say "Don't worry about feeding your dragonettes" I tried feeding mine EVERYTHING, only thing he/she would touch was the pods.


Active Member
My tank is a 26 gallon (3ft long) with 40 Lbs LR and a 3 in. DSB. My tank is well established (almost 7 months) and I have ALOT of pods so I don't worry about her starving to death. I just got her yesterday and she is eating a lot, brine shrimp, pods ect. I was only thinking about getting another one, course if I did it wouldn't be for a while.


Active Member
Carrie, I'm not sure about a 26 gallon and two blennies. But to the mixing question, you can have females together or even a male and a female, but never 2 males. I'm not sure if they "have to be" a mated pair. Are you sure you know how to tell them apart? I accidentally got two males and the next day was gonna take it back, but the scooter #1 made sure scooter #2 never made it back. I saw a post months back about this and if I find it, I will let you know. This is what I remember from that post. And also mine eats brine, greens, anything and everything, but flakes. HTH


I feed the reef tank Kent Reef Carnivore Pellets, and New Life Thera-a pellets. The dragonette loves both of them.


Active Member
i agree with musipilot, scooters are much easier to get to take food than mandarins
sinking pellets(pellets instead of flake), or we feed alot of fresh and frozen, we jsut have to get the food down to her, using a turkey baster works pretty good, IMEO