Scooter Blenny / Microfauna


My wife really wants a scooter blenny but our tank has only been set up about a month... We have 20lbs of LS and 60 pounds of BS... we also have about 15lbs of LR and 50lbs of BR. We do not have a fuge, and i think would like to avoid one. (not really sure what one is though)
From what i understand the scooter blenny will only eat microfauna or is this wrong?
What is microfauan, how do i know i have it? How fast does it reproduce?


microfauan are little organism as i understand.Pods are microfauan,and you should have them by now.They are little white things that you would see on your glass moving around. they are very small so look hard.Scooters eat more than just microfauna,but that is what they natualy eat.They ofter accect live brine shrimp and stuff like that.


How small are we talking? like pencil lead small or even smaller then that... i havent noticed anything as of yet :(


Active Member
There are a few different types of "pods" ranging in different sizes. Some look like pillbugs, some look like rice with antenna and some look like small moving dots about the size of the period at the end of this sentence.