scooter blenny


Active Member
sure, they are actually scooter dragonets, which means they eat pods basically, not recommended for nanos, though I do have one in my 29g (that is supplemented with pods.) They are commonly considered the easist dragonet to get to eat frozen foods. I recommend it if you can keep it healthy, it is very active, scoots along the rockwork looking for food and is just an awesome fish, I'll leave some pics.



so when you buy do you put them in the tank? do you just drop em all in there or do you need to prepare them somehow...and will the other fish eat them too?


Member have a Mandarin and a Scotter in a 29 gallon? How do you do it? I would die for having these 2 little guys in my tank but am afraid that they would starve slowly. What's your secret?


Pretty much just dump them in. A good idea though is to have a nice pile of really small LR rubble. (think pod Condo).
I have seen full grown scooters go after frozen squid pieces and drag them off and gnaw on them. Rather amusing to watch. A trick to get them to eat frozen is to have it near them in a light current eddy or something. Basically it needs to be moving for them to strike it the first few times. Then they will eat it most whenever. At least in my experience with dragonets. I got my mandarain that I had ,before my filter malfunctioned and partially crashed the tank, to eat it readily. (was sicker than a dog for a week and did not notice it failing.
) She was fat and happy in my 15L. Had just really started to eat the frozen. I also supplemented her diet with gamarus shrimp I harvested off the LFS filters when I was helping him out. That and I bought some Tigger pods offline to boost the populations. And had a 'pod pile' in there. Also If you keep a few in the container with tank water in it you can use DT's pytoplankton (or something similar)to sort of farm them. Basically every day or two put a couple drops in the water they are housed in.
Good luck with your endeavor!


Active Member
BlueRam, you've asked me about my scooter/mandarin combo before. Like Bojik said, just pour em in, i turn off one of my filters first then do it, i have hidden pvc pipe in the back and also a rock rubble pile covered in plants (perfect place for pods to hide and grow). Its like a dragonet buffet. The scooter eats frozen, mandarin is only a month or 2 in my tank so hes not yet to eat. I'll try to get better pics soon, actually... right now...


I have a green mandarin now and I was going to try a spotted mandarin but I am afraid they will fight and I dont want that.


Active Member
what size tank? a scooter can handle a nano much better than a mandarin imo at least, (most others too). I plan on eventually (different tank) trying to cross breed a spotted with a green mandarin. Some people say they WILL fight, so i would advise against if they arent in a big tank


Yeah I have 55 gallon and my mandarin eats frozen food as well as pods. The guy at the lfs said they would just avoid each other and not fight, but I dunno, I am trying to keep a peaceful tank. I know my mandarin is a male, I am trying to find a female for him.


Active Member
I would go with it, personally. I'm more of the experimental aquarists though. I think it'd be cool.


I know the lfs has a female spotted mandarin, just dont want them to fight, so I am shying away from doing it. Same with a coral beauty, I've heard they can get aggressive and I had to take out my flame angel because he became to aggressive. I just dont like an aggressive tank


Active Member
some fight, some don't, since they're of opposite sexes, I think it might work, 2 of same will most likely fight.


Originally Posted by nYgel
what size tank? a scooter can handle a nano much better than a mandarin imo at least, (most others too). I plan on eventually (different tank) trying to cross breed a spotted with a green mandarin. Some people say they WILL fight, so i would advise against if they arent in a big tank
I thought it was mostly the males that fought?

fishy head

i had a problem with scotters once. i got 2 males
, long story short, they killed each other.
also i never knew that you could but live pods before,,,, i wanted one of those colored guys so bad, but i never saw any pods in my tank,,,,so where do you buy them :thinking:


Active Member
Bojik, I thought it was just if they are of same --- then they fought, i could be wrong, i havent looked too much but i think i remember that being said. and my lfs (not really local fish store, more fish store an hour away) has them (pods that is)


got my scooter today, and a batch of pods. he ate m.shrimp at the store so hopefully will continue to do that
pictures to come!!
way excited!!