Scooter Blenny


I'm thinking of adding a Scooter Blenny to my reef. I can't remember hearing anything bad about them, but I thought I'd ask. What's your experience, good or bad and any thing special about the way you cared for yours? Eating habits, incompatibities, etc.


I've had one in my tank for about 2 months now and
it is just fine. It never bothers any of my corals and basically
just scavenges for food. I have read that the tank should be
a few months old first but I got mine after the tank had been
set up a month. Hope this helps.. I would recommand one.


Hmmm... I was under the impression that the Scooter Blenny was similar to the Mandarin Dragonet (a carnivore that mainly ate pods), but could be trained to eat brine, mysis shrimp or blood worms. Are you saying you have enough pods in your tank to sustain him or are you saying he pretty much scavenges anything.


Active Member
I've had mine for just about a year, it was one of the first additions. At the time, I didnt know they ate pods, not sure of it now, but I do see a big decrease. Try to spot feed it every now and then, they have a tendency to not see the food or for some reason just let it float by. So, for that reason I spot feed mine whatever I am feeding my other fish. All I can say is-- great fish, make sure you see it eat before you buy it, and if you buy 2 then we need to talk about the --- of them. HTH


same basic thing as a mandarin. they just hop around the tank munching on pods. the males have a "sail" for lack of a better term on their dorsal. many femals will get along fine. females with one male still cool. more than one male and they usually fight. don't take it to the bank but i had the misfortune to not know this when i bougt my first 2. wnated a male and a female. so i bought a big one and a small one. both turned out to be male, the big one chased the little one around the tank until it starved.


Active Member
I have 2 scooters and they eat stuff off the rock and also brine shrimp. I, unfortunately, have no pod population due to an earlier tank problem. They do just what their name says, they just scoot around the rocks. Pretty cool fish.


Well I've had mine for about 4-5 months now. He eats bloodworms with gusto and will eat brine on occasion.
The funny thing is my cat really never enjoyed watching the fish tank until this little guy came along. So for me its been a double treat to watch both of them.


Based on the feedback I went out got one. Judging from the reaction from the kids it may be the best $12 I've spent. Hopefully he'll do well.


Active Member
Hopefully your tank is peaceful, I dont think it would do to well in an aggressive setup. If the kids like it now, wait till it extends its fan.....pretty cool (though I am sure its mad at me or something), but none the less its still neat to see.