Scopus tang did it happen


Hey...I just found my scopus tang stuck to the intake of one of my powerheads. Is it possible that he got stuck against it and could not escape, or do you think he had to have died and then got sucked against it? The power head has a grate covering the intake so he did not get sucked in, just stuck against it. I am not sure how many gallons the power head is rated for, but it is a pretty large power head. Maybe 7-800. All parameters are fine and there have not been any changes in the last couple of days.


How long have you had the scopas tang? What are your exact parameters? Did you notice anything wrong before this happened?
A healthy fish does not just get stuck to a powerhead, something else must of been wrong.



How long have you had the scopas tang?
I have had him for 2 months or so, maybe a little bit longer.
What are your exact parameters?
Nitrites, Nitrates, and Ammonia are all at 0.
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
I am in the process of dosing calcium and DKH buffer to raise them a bit. I just bout the test kits and calcium was at 10 and DKH was at 9.6. So the DKH was pretty close to where it should be, but the calcium is supper low.
Did you notice anything wrong before this happened?
I did not notice anything wrong...
He did get his fins cut a little bit by my large coral branded shrimp a few weeks ago. I am thinking maybe the coral branded got a hold of him
...I am not sure if he would be fast enough to catch him though.
Everything else is doing well. No snails, hermits, cleaner shrimp, coral branded or corals have died recently. Well except for my acro which got the brown jelly disease or something.
Any other ideas?


no one?
Someone please just answer me this:
Could a coral branded shrimp catch a tang? If so, would he try eat the whole thing or just kill it and let it sit there? Thanks for everyones responses in advance. I know that each CB shrimp has a different temperment, I just want to know if it is possible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
no one?
Someone please just answer me this:
Could a coral branded shrimp catch a tang? If so, would he try eat the whole thing or just kill it and let it sit there? Thanks for everyones responses in advance. I know that each CB shrimp has a different temperment, I just want to know if it is possible.
CB shrimp are the kings of oportunist. If the fish was diseased, or injured, then yes it will take it out. But, a healthy tang is likely to swim past with no injury from the CB. I would think that it was sick with something prior to its demise.


Was there anything wrong with his diet that could have made him sick/weak? His diet consisted solely of mysis shrimp.
I just cannot think of any reason why he would die so suddenly. Is it common for a fish to suddenly die?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by matt2364
Was there anything wrong with his diet that could have made him sick/weak? His diet consisted solely of mysis shrimp.
I just cannot think of any reason why he would die so suddenly. Is it common for a fish to suddenly die?
Fish die for a lot of differen't reasons, so its really hard to say. How big is your tank (not pointing fingers or anything), but if its small enough it could be stress related. The scopus is a pretty hardy fish IMO, and a healthy one would certainly not be catchable by a CBM. However, if he wasn't eating and he was showing signs (fin damage) of being caught by the CBM, then I would guess that he was sick from something for awhile. JMO

matt b

Active Member

Originally Posted by matt2364
I have had him for 2 months or so, maybe a little bit longer.
Nitrites, Nitrates, and Ammonia are all at 0.
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
I am in the process of dosing calcium and DKH buffer to raise them a bit. I just bout the test kits and calcium was at 10 and DKH was at 9.6. So the DKH was pretty close to where it should be, but the calcium is supper low.
I did not notice anything wrong...
He did get his fins cut a little bit by my large coral branded shrimp a few weeks ago. I am thinking maybe the coral branded got a hold of him
...I am not sure if he would be fast enough to catch him though.
Everything else is doing well. No snails, hermits, cleaner shrimp, coral branded or corals have died recently. Well except for my acro which got the brown jelly disease or something.
Any other ideas?
Did you say your cal was at 10?


mysis shrimp?
is that all??
no algae/nori sheets?
for a tang?


Active Member
I agree a CB wouldn't stand a chance against a totally healthy Scopas, but they are always looking for the opportunity and when it strikes they have the power do it in.....In my 300 it's a daily ritual at feeding yellow, purple an Achilles tease my CD which is roughly 4" and he just barely misses those tails......That's been going on for 7 years now, and I keep waiting for 1 of them to slip up though......


sorry, I was reading the test kits wrong. Calcium is at 440ppm and KH in dKH is 12.5
The tank is a 55 gallon. The tang was pretty small though, maybe 1.5''. I know you are not suppose to keep tangs in anything smaller than a 125 or so, I thought I would get a head start on getting some fish for when my friend and I convert our 125 fresh water in a FOWLR tank.
Anyways, could he have been sick because I was only feeding him mysis shrimp?