jackie dh
As some of you might remember I lost most of my fish back on April fools day (I wish that it had been a bad joke
) I lost a adult Emperor that I had for many years.... nearly broke my heart.
As I'm rebuilding my population I really wanted to get the same fish that I had lost or even fish that I had longed for but couldn't get. So far I have replaced my Blue Tang, a Purple Tang (his color is getting better) a Heniochus Butterfly (the one I lost was huge) and last night I scored a baby Blue Faced Angel! I realize that I probably won't be able to get another Emperor now, although I am sorely tempted when they are this small.
Apparently I'm the only person in the area that is after the more expensive fish because they had the Angel for nearly three weeks with not takers and I was offered the fish for $65 instead of the $100 that they had him priced at.
I know that they are $79 here and Emperors are even cheaper but I've had a terrible time with the fish that I've been getting here, many come in DOA, others die in a day or two, I have a Blue head wrasse (from here) that has never eaten, I thought that he had died weeks ago but I saw his poor wasted body again a few days ago. I know that it is shipping stress, especially this time of year but I just can't see wasting any more fishy lives if I can get a good fish locally.
The only down side to getting them locally is that the local store has a central system and they have ick in the system, since they inverts in the system they don't treat the fish for the ick. I pointed the sick fish out to the guy in charge of the fish and his answer was that it would be OK because all fish have ick and they would recover on their own.
He's a know it all so I can't tell him any thing. I only bought that Angel because it was in their reef tank which is separate from the other fish and I had been watching it ever since it came in three weeks ago.

Apparently I'm the only person in the area that is after the more expensive fish because they had the Angel for nearly three weeks with not takers and I was offered the fish for $65 instead of the $100 that they had him priced at.

The only down side to getting them locally is that the local store has a central system and they have ick in the system, since they inverts in the system they don't treat the fish for the ick. I pointed the sick fish out to the guy in charge of the fish and his answer was that it would be OK because all fish have ick and they would recover on their own.