i just so happend to get super lucky and scored a FREE 240g tank/stand
my plan now is to move everything from both my 90g tanks into the tank is semi reef, 2 clowns, 1 blenny, 1 pseudochromis, cb shrimp, cleaner shrimp, hermits, nem, zoas, shrooms, leathers, xenia...the other tank has 1 yellow tang, 1 niger trigger, 3 damsels. both tanks have 100+ lbs of live rock and 50-60 (?) lbs live long do you think it would take for my trigger to hunt down my shrimp and crabs (he's a small trigger 4-5 in) and make dinner of them?

tangs rule

Active Member
Wow - That's an awesome upgrade, for the best price! There may be some investment needed in more lighting, bigger skimmer, sump, etc. but good deal! Probably not long on the trigger ridding you of crabs & shrimps. Keep us posted on the progress!


Well-Known Member
LOL i give em a couple dayz at most, my hawkfish whos only like 3in hasnt eaten my skunk shrimp YET....let us know!
the new tank is 8'x2'x2' also have another question (if anyone can help) the place i want to put the tank is not level its off about 2" what is a good safe way to solve this problem? could i shimmy one side?

tangs rule

Active Member
Do you mean .2" or actually 2.0 inches? - how could a floor be off level by 2 inches? and if it is, can the floor support 2000 pounds PLUS the weight of the tank and stand? Figure the system would weigh 2500-3000 pounds when complete - can your floor support that?
to make the level level on the stand is about 1 1/2"-2" (not .2") this is in what i believe might have been a garage/carport at one time (so it has a run off slope) there is carpet but under that is concrete and the ground. if i put the tank on one of the other walls it would only need to be off about a 1/2" (the tank would be leaning to the front as to one side) the wall thats off 2" is the best place if i want good use of space. if there is no safe way to level the tank 2" then i will use the other wall....
not a big deal.

tangs rule

Active Member
A level tank is a HUGE deal. A tipsy tank - esp over 100g is a disaster waiting to happen! Remember the total weight of your system will be ~ 3000 pounds and glass tanks can shatter a wall or bottom if not level AND flat.
I'd say the tank needs to be level within .2" in either the long or wide dimension. My 475 was off by less than .25 lengthwise - and I was worried about it so I placed cardboard boxes (flatened out) under the tank starting at 1/3 the way down the length. the 2nd layer of them was placed at the ~5/8 point, and the 3rd shim was placed at the 3/4 point. The 3 cardboard shims brought the low end up by ~ 1/4 inch and when filled - the tank just barely setteled (compressed) the cardboard and the tank is now level within .1" lengthwise. I'd shoot for 1/8" MAX level in both dimensions on yours, for sure.
I'd NOT use cardboard as a shim for any raising of more than .25" though. I'd suggest using real thin wood (like paneling) to build a stepped platform to raise the low end of the stand. It would likely take probably close to 16 different length sheets (if each one is 1/8" thick), each one about 6 inches shorter than the next - to raise the low end ~2.0" .. I'd also start the shims at about 6 inches from the high end and evenly space them 6" to the nest and so on... and build up a level shim stack - and never have more than a 1/8" gap anywhere under the stand. I'd also shim the stand @ the floor - not just the tank.
Or option 2 - have someone build a custom stand for the tank that compensates for the unlevel floor - but it'd probably run a few hundred just in materials - and it'd have to built very well, or the tank could burst/leak. Using a custom stand will TOTALLY void any warranty on the tank though.
If it'd go on the other wall where it's only 1/2" off - I'd still level it, using thin wood sheets, but only ~4 full tank width (96") would be needed. Again i'd shim the stand/floor, and i'd evenly shim it from the high corner.
Keep us posted - but the work you do now to get it as close to perfect will totally pay off later with piece of mind that it's good to go, and the chances of a catastrophic failure are minimum. Who wants 200g saltwater all over the house?
thanks for your landlord would not be happy if something went wrong (she only knows of 1 90g tank, i have 2 90's and just torn down my 40
) we paid a $600 dep. for 1 90g tank i cant imagine how much she would want for the 240g if we told her...might have to just to be on the safe side. i will keep updates coming.


Well-Known Member
LOLOLOL ur landlord hopefully wont stop by for a visit. Its kinda hard to hide a 240 gal tank im guessing lol
well the new tank is level
everything is transferred from both 90g all fish are super happy!
my cleaner shrimp is very brave and was cleaning my triggers mouth and face
is my trigger tricking my shrimp? will they be ok together or will the trigger still munch him for a snack? tried to get a pic but was not fast enough. my plan now is to sell both 90g and my 40g so i can upgrade to some LED lighting. i also at some point would like to add a flame angel but was wondering if it would be ok to also add a coral beauty? sorry pics are not so great, will post more soon.


Active Member
I like the aqua scape, but why isn't it completly full yet? Is it cause you only used your water from the 90's? Have you got the new lighting for it yet?
tanks not full cause my LFS closes early now so didnt have enough time to go get more water, i dont mix my own water. no upgrades on the lights till i sell off the other tanks and get a little extra cash, just using my PC and MH lighting for now. not in much of a hurry for the lights as all my corals are softies and were under these lights anyway.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maryjane66979 http:///forum/thread/385132/score#post_3383138
i dont mix my own water.
I don't blame you there, when I got a chicken nugget from my 2 year old son (at the time, and he told me it was a chicken nugget fish.) in my mix water, I quit doing it my self too. So I can side with you there.
Understood on the lighting, just didn't know if ya had the chance to sell it yet!


Well-Known Member
Hey maryjane, did u tell ur landlord about ur 200gal tank yet?
lol u should get a background for that beast as well!
he told me it was a chicken nugget fish

HILARIOUS but suks at the same time lol im glad i have no lil me's running around right now. Maybe in the future but not right now!~!
have yet to tell the landlord
i plan on getting a background, cant stand seeing all the cords. im beat from doin all the work it to to set it up, took us 3 nights of at least 5 hrs each and we just finished lastnight...if i ever move a tank again it may be enough to make me give up on this hobby


Flame angel and coral beauty will mostly not go well together.
If do decide to try, put them into the tank at the same time, I have done this with couple of dwarf angels and same type of tangs (yellow and purple) in the past and has worked for me but I have heard the horror stories.
Nice upgrade btw, that's something I'm looking for. lol.


Nice pick up! I'd love to upgrade to something that size, but I don't think the wife would forgive me if I got rid of our couch to make room for a bigger tank.