scummy scummy scummy


HEy i just bought a 135g tank and there is like a fine layer of scum on the inside of the tank. When there is water in it you cant see it, but when it dries you can see it. There is a little bit on the outside in places as well. Has anyone had this and if so how can i get rid of it so my tank is perfectly clean. Also, it came with like 1oo lbs of sand or so and i was wondering whats the best way to make sure it is clean and pure. THere is some silt in it and i want to get rid of it. thanks for your help.


the first thing I would try assuming its a glass tank is vinegar+ a brillo pad. Eats thru that calcium deposit junk and wont leave harmful residue.


Active Member
I second the use of water+distilled white vinegar. Without knowing what the tank is constructed out of, I would be hesitant to recommend a cleaning tool; a brillo pad would scratch the heck out of an acrylic tank.


thanks guys, the tank is made out of glass so a brillo shouldnt be a problem. I was using a razor blade very carefully and it was sort of helping, but you can imagine how long it would take to cover a 135 with a 1 inch razor blade! is it better to just scrub the tank with vinegar, or fill it up and add some vinegar and let it soak? thanks for your help.