New Member
My sea anemone is going through some wierd phase and im having some difficulty deciding what is really going on. First i will go through the rundown on my tank :
Size : 100g long
Filtration : wet dry sump with protein skimmer and bio balls (~120 lb live rock)
Fish : two Saddleback Clowns, one Yellow Tang, one Randalls Goby
Invertebrates : one Cleaner Shrimp, one Fire Shrimp, one Long Tentacle Anenome, some soft coral
Lighting : two T5 Extreme 24w fixture with two ATI Asthinic 15k and two AquaBlue Special 15k
(1 week old)
Dosage : 3 ml 80% proof Vodka per day for nitrates. (i have just started and have dosed on dates 04/11,12,13) water changes weekly 10%.
Feeding : frozen brine, phytoplankton, seaweed strips (tang), silverside twice a week for the anenome
Issue :
When i purchased my anemone, he was all brown with no colored tips. I brought him home and drip acclimated him for about 2 hours with the two saddleback clowns that are paired with it. About two weeks after he was introduced, he wedged himself pretty far in my rock work and stayed there for a few days and ended up bleaching himself. I moved this rock and then he stayed where he was in the open for about 2 weeks. Yesterday, apr 12, i came home to my anemone under a rock in the back of my tank. I flipped this rock, so that the anemone could be in view and i could see if it was showing any signs of death, and noticed that it had a blue ring around the base that was never there to begin with.
Photo's :
The anemone after it had bleached
The anemone after i turned the rock yesterday
ten minutes after the rock was turned
Photos taken with my blackberry so they are not of the best quality.
My anemone will not sit in one spot any more, he keeps on moving back to the back of the tank or in between rocks when i rotate the rock he is on. Does anyone know what could possibly be happening? Also, he seems to gain more blue color when he goes under the rocks now.
Size : 100g long
Filtration : wet dry sump with protein skimmer and bio balls (~120 lb live rock)
Fish : two Saddleback Clowns, one Yellow Tang, one Randalls Goby
Invertebrates : one Cleaner Shrimp, one Fire Shrimp, one Long Tentacle Anenome, some soft coral
Lighting : two T5 Extreme 24w fixture with two ATI Asthinic 15k and two AquaBlue Special 15k
(1 week old)
Dosage : 3 ml 80% proof Vodka per day for nitrates. (i have just started and have dosed on dates 04/11,12,13) water changes weekly 10%.
Feeding : frozen brine, phytoplankton, seaweed strips (tang), silverside twice a week for the anenome
Issue :
When i purchased my anemone, he was all brown with no colored tips. I brought him home and drip acclimated him for about 2 hours with the two saddleback clowns that are paired with it. About two weeks after he was introduced, he wedged himself pretty far in my rock work and stayed there for a few days and ended up bleaching himself. I moved this rock and then he stayed where he was in the open for about 2 weeks. Yesterday, apr 12, i came home to my anemone under a rock in the back of my tank. I flipped this rock, so that the anemone could be in view and i could see if it was showing any signs of death, and noticed that it had a blue ring around the base that was never there to begin with.
Photo's :
The anemone after it had bleached

The anemone after i turned the rock yesterday

ten minutes after the rock was turned

Photos taken with my blackberry so they are not of the best quality.
My anemone will not sit in one spot any more, he keeps on moving back to the back of the tank or in between rocks when i rotate the rock he is on. Does anyone know what could possibly be happening? Also, he seems to gain more blue color when he goes under the rocks now.