Sea Apple are they easy to Keep?


New Member
Hi am new to the board, I have set up a "NEMO TANK" it is the best way to describe it.
1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
2 clarkis
1 anenome and a bethy of hermits, snails and crabs, some peperment fish and 2 CBS (im not going to say my tank size because I am afraid of being flamed) Let's say it is a good size.
Water is is excellent condition.
I saw a Sea Apple this morning and they are very neat, thinking about getting one.
I have not bought it yet but I might this week end. I need some advise on the upkeep for it. I have set aside an area in my tank where I want to display it allready.
If anyone has had experience with these creatures please post. My email address is if anyone wants to contact me on a personal level.



If they die they release toxins into your tank. That alone has kept me from ever picking one up. However I've seen them in lfs in tanks filled with corals that they only did regular water changes and add DT's phytoplankton twice a week and do fine for months on end while looking healthy the whole time.


Active Member
Personally, I would reccomend against getting a sea apple. As Daniel411 said, if they die, they will release toxins into your tank that will kill all your fish. Sea cucumbers will do the same thing.
And if left unchecked, the dead fish will cause an ammonia spike which will negatively effect the rest of your tank inhabitants.
Sea apples are beautiful creatures and some people have been able to keep them successfully, but in my mind, it is too expensive of a risk to take. These guys are better left in the sea, in my opinion.
Uh, Spearfish, your tank size is listed by your name and avatar. :p Even though I won't flame you, others most likely will.


Active Member
if you are afraid of being flamed do these things in order.
Give your fish back to the lfs.
Dont buy a sea apple they are poisonous when they die.
drain your tank.
research this hobby extensively.
refill tank
list goals for tank i.e. fish, corals
buy fish suitable for tank
enjoy responsibly

nm reef

Active Member
Flames simply won't be tolerated so lets not go there...;)
In reference to the sea apple I'd urge you to carefully research them prior to attempting one. As stated they can cause serious problems when they die...and they don't have a good survival rate in home aquariums.
I'd also urge you to slow down a bit...I think you may have rushed to stock your 46 bow and the livestock already may be more than it can handle long term. Patience in this hobby is vital...and the only thing that happens quick is problems.If memory serves me you recently set your system up and already the stock list is fairly large to say the least. I'd be very concerned about your filtrations ability to sustain the load placed on it...especially if it is a newly established system.:cool:


New Member
You know I like arrone alot, he is a youngster and his little fishy reminds me of little nemo swimming in my tank.
I decided against buying the sea apple.
thanks for the advise. :confused:


Active Member
Glad to hear that you are taking at least some of the advice available here at your disposal. :)


Active Member are calling your clownfish Nemos.......,but you listed Clarkii Clownfish..........Nemo is a Percula Clownfish........not a Clarkii. ;)


Active Member
You know I like arrone alot, he is a youngster and his little fishy reminds me of little nemo swimming in my tank.
I decided against buying the sea apple.
thanks for the advise.
not sure if that was sarcastic or not....:rolleyes: