Sea Apple Cucumber


New Member
I just bought one of these and it is excreting a cloudy white milky fluid. What is this? Is it toxic?


i second that, cuke's are not a good choice for beginners though they are amazing sand sifters they die easily or get sucked into power heads and either way when they die they release toxins that kill just about everything plus makes a terrible mess of your water.. again i'd get him out and take him back i'm sure he's georgeous they all are it may not be a good idea to keep him around.. your tank though..good luck

nm reef

Active Member
The 2 answers above are among the many reasons I always tell the wife and daughter...."nope....not a chance in hades I'll ever put on of them in the reef"...I don't care how kewl they look!!!!!
Bottom line for me is that I've got way too much invested in critters to watch one weird looking sea apple destroy the whole thing!!!!
Personally I'd remove it asap!Possibly add carbon to filter the gunk out and start some 10% water changes to remove any toxins present.


Cucumbers and apples are a pretty delicate species. I find that they are better to keep for function rather than form. The sea apples are extremely attractive but are terribly ineffective sand sifters. It sounds like yours is reacting to the trauma of acclimation and is secreting toxins. If you start to lose other inhabitants, you'll need to do a massive water change and a couple of days of carbon filtration. Look into the non-venomous cukes. Best of luck to you.