Sea Apple


Can Anyone give me some information about SEA APPLES? I just bought this beautiful sea apple from one of my lfs and they told me a little information about them but i would rather hear the info from the Pro's and the rest of the crew! So what can you tell me about these wonderful beautiful creatures? Also the reason that i bought it is because it's beautiful and it's different and i know " I shouldn't of bought anything without researching it first" CAN YOU HELP?


hay there, you have made a beutiful decision. some things to take into account with sea apples is that when they die, or if they are HIGHLY iretated they will rid of there waste, which is toxic to fish, so if you plan on keeping him make sure there are no expensive fish in your tank. I have had one since i started my tank about 8 months ago, and he is beutiful. things to look for on them is that there tenticles are active. they should come out on a regular bases. also, another thing is when they are not doing good they will turn a white color. just so you know they chance there shape quite often, this is nothing to worry about. I had mine blow up to the size of a softball before, it scared the he** out of me but all was fine. as for feeding this is where the importance of this animal comes in. they should be fed atleast once a day. I fed mine brine shrimp out of a turkey baster, just put it right around the tenticles. as far as irretating them, it takes alot. mine as survived threw a cycle of a tank, a 5 pound rock falling on him, not to mention shipping from california, and i live in ohio. another good thing about them is that they don't need any special lighting. I hope I helped you atleast a little. what kind did you get, a white one with red and yellow, or a purple one with red and yellow :D


I bought one with purple tenticles it's also purple on the outside i do have a angelfish, percula and a royal gramma with a lot of corals and inverts. Based upon the things that i have heard about this creature i am going to get rid of it because i treasure my tank to much! I will say goodbye today!


it's your choice, but honestly, you don't have any real expensive fish in there. if it dies or something happens it will not harm your corrals as long as you do a nice size water change (50%)


I have one they are one of the coolest things I have even come across. Great choice man. So there are different colors? do you all have pictures of yours? Here's mine.


i don't blame you i would take it out to! i have to many corals to chance losing. if they die i've read they can kill everything in your tank,i've read they should not be taken out of the ocean.


I've seen the orange ones, the other apple is red, white, and blue (only saw it in pictures, I think). Purely giorgeous.