sea clone 100 for a 30 gal? good or bad skimmer


Active Member
hello i am goignt today to buy a skimmer i was wondering if anyone likes, has a sea clone 100 skimmer
if that is not good i am going to buy a sea urchin skimmer


I have one on each of my two aquariums. The first is one my 26 Bowfront. It does a great job. I paid 106 for it. The second is on my 35 Hex, which isn't really needed at present as it isnt stocked yet. I got it from someone on an well known online list site for 25 bucks ( along with a lot of other stuff I have valued at about 360 ).
The Sea Clone is the only one I have used, so I can't help you with comparisons.
Good luck!


Active Member
thanx. i have heard that they arent powerful enough . but thanx for posting
any other help anyone?


Active Member
spend the extra $75 and get the urchin, there is no comparison. Seaclones are hard to tune in, require modifications and are very poorly designed skimmers. The Aqua-C is a fantastic skimmer that's foolproof to use and very reliable.


I have a 29/30 gallon aquarium with a seaclone 100 on it actually...
So this is probably good info... I just set it up and with NOTHING in the tank but salt water it was pulling out crap that fell in the tank... and crap that gathered on the remnents of the CC I had on the bottom and couldn't get out. While I agree that it probably wouldn't be strong enough or create enough pressure for larger tanks they work wonders when they are placed in a system below its specifiication imo.
When you first get it... it will take about a day or more to build up enough pressure/air/and foam in the canister to pull out anything, but once it does it functions well for the cost of the system. Be sure to tweak the ventri nossle a bit every once and a while till you get a setting that works for your system. Once its set you pretty much just leave it alone aside from cleaning.
Pick it up if you can find it for a cheap price... but I wouldn't pay anything over 100$ for it as I got mine for 53$ online of course.
hope that helps


I like mine I got it for 65.00 from eaither my 2 doctors or my budy bigal


Active Member
why do people continue to buy seaclones when there are so many skimmers on the market that are far superior? It makes me wonder.... :thinking:


Some folks just like to ask questions and never bother to see what has been posted in response. One minute this fella is looking for a decent skimmer and now he is dredging the bottom of the barrel for a wanna be skimmer. Seaclones did not get that reputation of being junk for no reason at all. Go to we
ebmedia dot com and do a seach for skimmers.....Unbiased tests and lots of good info on seaclones and other skimmers. Wait I take that back, there is some folks, few as they may be that give a seaclone merit for being good. Lets see what they say 6 months down the road or eben 2 months from now. They require constant adjusting and work mediocre at best. Why anyone would pay the price for a seaclone when they can get new technology that works and works just fine for $6.00 more from the same source (the 2 doctors website) is beyond me. You can also do a search on too wil reveal what a piece of junk they really are.


Active Member
For free to about $45 I might be inclined to get one for a 30 gallon or less as they do work adequately enough for a 30gallon but with the options available today no one should be purchasing a "new" seaclone. That being said I do have one on a 30g and it works without any issues. I'll spare you the pics this time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Some folks just like to ask questions and never bother to see what has been posted in response. One minute this fella is looking for a decent skimmer and now he is dredging the bottom of the barrel for a wanna be skimmer. Seaclones did not get that reputation of being junk for no reason at all. Go to we
ebmedia dot com and do a seach for skimmers.....Unbiased tests and lots of good info on seaclones and other skimmers. Wait I take that back, there is some folks, few as they may be that give a seaclone merit for being good. Lets see what they say 6 months down the road or eben 2 months from now. They require constant adjusting and work mediocre at best. Why anyone would pay the price for a seaclone when they can get new technology that works and works just fine for $6.00 more from the same source (the 2 doctors website) is beyond me. You can also do a search on too wil reveal what a piece of junk they really are.
im going with the urchin


Active Member
why are you buying either? did you find some info on the sea urchin (not to be confused with in sump aquaC urchin)? I looked and couldn't find any. You really dont need to rush or have a skimmer on your tank tommorow. you have time to research your options. You can do water changes in the mean time to maintain water quality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
why are you buying either? did you find some info on the sea urchin (not to be confused with in sump aquaC urchin)? I looked and couldn't find any. You really dont need to rush or have a skimmer on your tank tommorow. you have time to research your options. You can do water changes in the mean time to maintain water quality.
i found info on it and bought the skimmer it is really easy to use/setup the skimmer i bought is a Aqua C urchin remora pro it cam with the 1400 rio for about 200 i had a coupon for 10 off but i 4 GOT IT


I just love you folks that put down products you have never used based on one guys rant. I pluged mine in ajust as instructed and waited for the break in period and it has been pulling junk out all the time. It is on my 55 there are photos of my 55 posted on here just look up my post and you will see how great my corals are in this tank with this great seaclone skimmer.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bill109
i found info on it and bought the skimmer it is really easy to use/setup the skimmer i bought is a Aqua C urchin remora pro it cam with the 1400 rio for about 200 i had a coupon for 10 off but i 4 GOT IT

Okay you had me a little confused with the "sea" urchin and hang on back use. I take it you got the AquaC "remora" (same as the Urchin except Urchin is for sump use only). Perhaps you meant C Urchin the C for AquaC
If you infact did get the Remora "pro" new locally which is hard to believe (but must be tru if it came with a Rio 1400) for that price with or without a $10 coupon that is a great price and I'm no longer mad at your LPS. If the pump ever goes bad get a Mag 3, it will work better and last longer.
As for the seaclone comment yes it works okay but I'll give you its down falls and I've had mine for about a year:
adjustability- the only way to alter the water level in the body is to decrease/increase air. this is azz backwards. they need to be independent or just the water level itself. I dont even need an air adjustment because bubble production [for me] works best wide open (so I virtually have no adjustability). sometimes you need full air AND a higher water level. Cant be done with the seaclone because more air=less pump pressure=lower water level and theres nothing else to slow water flow down within the body. there are plenty of times when the air bubble production is fine but the water level can not be raised as you would with most other venturi skimmers. Now yes you get decent production (for its size which will be point b) but you have little to no control over wetness/dryness of skimate or production. On other skimmers if its not getting quite over the top you simply help it out by raising the water level within the body without messing with the air intake or lower it if your getting good production but prefer dryer skimate(or in the case of the AquaC remoras/urchins lower or raise the collection cup position).
its small
- show me any other reputable venturi
skimmer with a 3.5" body, 18" height and 295gph pump with a 100gallon rating (AquaC works on completely different technology so its non applicable here). It is physically impossible for a venturi skimmer of that structure and that size pump to process enough water (turn over) or skimate production for a 100 gallon tank. It doesn't have a needle wheel or any other bells or whistles to further help production like a small coralife or ASM mini which are both physically alot bigger and rated for alot less. even those (the ASM at least) are considered overated.
so does it work: yes
does it produce enough skimate to be effective for a 30g: yes
could it be designed better without costing a dime more: I believe so
is it adequate for a 55g: not by conventional thinking but you can have a great looking tank with NO skimmer. you may believe in mild skimming. you may stock lightly ect.