Sea-clone 150


First off, if your reading this DONT buy a Seaclone skimmer. They are terrible. I recently purchased the largest Cora-life skimmer and it works amazing!
With that being said, I still have the sea-clone running but all its doing is circulating the water. Does anyone have any advice on how to get this piece of garbage to skim? I have adjusted the air-venturi several times on it and still no foam is being forced into the collection cup. Anybody know how to get these things modified to work?


Active Member
there are several mods you can do to it to get it to work better, search for seaclone mods on google and should find something....


Active Member
This is really strange, you are the third or fourth person I have heard say this. I have a 100, and I never have a problem with it. I have to empty mine every 4 or 5 days. Mine works like a charm right out of the box.


I just had the same problem last night. My guess is that something is blocking your Venturi. You should be able to blow directly thru the line and feel it on the other side. If not, it's blocked, and that is your problem


What do you have the air valve set at on the end of the venturi hose? Also are you using it as a hang-on? Do you have the pre-filter sponge on the maxi-jet. Please list details about it so i can try to pin-pointi what to change to get mine to work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1fast300z
What do you have the air valve set at on the end of the venturi hose? Also are you using it as a hang-on? Do you have the pre-filter sponge on the maxi-jet. Please list details about it so i can try to pin-pointi what to change to get mine to work.
Honestly, I thought the set up was pretty simple. I have mine as a hang on set up. Yes I use the sponge, which I remove every 4 or 6 weeks and clean under warm tap water. I open the air valve I would guess maybe a one full turn. I tried to get it to look like the picture on the box. Like I said, it skims great! I would recommend one to anyone.


I think I know why yours works and Mine doesnt. If yours uses a maxi-jet 1200 pump as well (same as the 150) that could be the reason. Sure that pump works great with the 100 because the cylinder isnt as tall and overall is smaller. But with mine its a taller chamber and the pump is to weak. Anyway I have it pulled apart and am cutting the center cylinder down so it will have more contact time with the water.. hopefully then it will skim ! Untill it does I will just keep dumping all the goo from my Coralife skimmer hanging next to it!


Originally Posted by 1fast300z
I think I know why yours works and Mine doesnt. If yours uses a maxi-jet 1200 pump as well (same as the 150) that could be the reason. Sure that pump works great with the 100 because the cylinder isnt as tall and overall is smaller. But with mine its a taller chamber and the pump is to weak. Anyway I have it pulled apart and am cutting the center cylinder down so it will have more contact time with the water.. hopefully then it will skim ! Untill it does I will just keep dumping all the goo from my Coralife skimmer hanging next to it!

I am not sure why you cut it. I am sure it works properly. Basically the idea of the venturi is to turn it so you start to see bubbles reversing their flow (heading back towards the tank) at the top of the clear tube (where the tube comes from the pump out of the water).
You may have to take apart the venturi. It may be clogged with something. Mine has clogged twice.


You might also want to take the sponge off. Thats the only mod I have done to my 125 and I have to empty it every 2 or 3 days


I have the 150 on my 45 and it worked ok for awhile but then I read something about shortening the tube that has the adjusted valve on the end to make it so less air is invovled. After I did that it worked alot better then before but I still have to adjust it every now and then.