sea clone/prizm


New Member
From reading all the back posts it seems that the noise from the Prizm Skimmer is the problem. How loud is it and what kind of sound does it make? Is it a motor noise of running water noise?
Also, some people were having problems with their Sea Clone Skimmersin the past. How does the group like the skimmer now?
Thanks for all your help, You have all been great... Don


Active Member
The seaclone works great if it is a newer model. Look at the center riser tube, if it is only a couple of inches long it is the newer model and will work great.


New Member
I'm very happy with mine also. It seems to pull a bunch of sludge from my tank. My fish are happy so all is well.

mr . salty

Active Member
Now for the Prizm noise.Although I don't have one,I have seen/heard them in operation...The noise is mostly a "sucking" sound from the air inlet hose.This can be easily stopped by extending the length of this hose by a foot or more.Or better yet,make it long enough to reach the floor,then put the end of the hose into a pop bottle that filled with cotton.This is a DIY skimmer "muffler"..I had the same noise when I had my Skilter running,this muffler worked great......As for the Seaclone,I would have to see a new one to be convinced that they actually work...In my opinion,,,The Prizm is a much better skimmer...


I have a prizm in for 30 gallon reef and I love it. It sucks up much GUNK! I dont find that noisey either. The tank is in my bedroom and the first night it kinda bothered me but now I couldnt sleep without hearing it.


I have a Prizm on my 20 gallon. It is louder than a power filter but not too bad. I read on a post a few days ago that you can contact RED SEA and they will send you an 18 blade impeller that is supposed to be quietter than the 12 blade. I emailed them and they replied and said they would mail me one. I think it is a great skimmer for the price.


Active Member
The noise that the prizim makes is not that bad. I find that the more water you let in the more noise it makes.
I adore my SeaClone, it is rated for 90g but I have it in my 135. I have no problems really and home to one day get a bigger one.


You have a seaclown on a 135 Gal? Wow, that is outrageous. More power to you!!


have not tried/seen prizm in real world yet; we use the sea clone because it between the two, it was about $20 less & was rated for 10 gallons more than prizm; i would think sea clone would handle that size of tank IF bioload is low and w/ good filtration