sea clone skimmer


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish28
How many of you have this skimmer?my friend said its pretty good.I will soon be getting it.

You get what you pay for. They are not the best on the market thats for sure. I have two of them on seperate displays. They are alot of work.. to say the least. On my 400g sump i have a remora C. I couldnt ask for a better skimmer than that one!
btw. I have some DYI modifications if you want them.. but it requires cutting the plastic.


Hated it.
Gave it away.
My personal opinion.


Active Member
I hate mine, but it was worth the money. I will re-use it on my nano, but I wouldn't buy another one.



Originally posted by lionfish28
well i don't want to go buy a $200+ protein skimmer

you can find an aqua c remora on a very well known internet auction site for less than 200.
as razor and others said you get what you pay for.


New Member
I had one also and was so happy to throw it away. I built a skimmer modeled after the Aqua C EV 180. Works beautifully!
How large is your tank and how much do you plan on stocking?


I have a sea clone on my 50g and a CPR on my 37g and I would rate them about equal. CPR skimms a little better but needs constant cleaning (POS Rio PH) and it's a bubble factory. Seaclong doesn't skim quite as much but needs less maintenance. both are cheap and you get what you pay for. I run refugiums on both my systems which allows me to get by with cheaper skimmers. If skimming is your main sorce of filtration to get solids out of your water column then spend $200+ and get a real skimmer.

barry cuda


Originally posted by lionfish28
well i don't want to go buy a $200+ protein skimmer

Your decision, but IMHO trying to save money on equipment is counterproductive in this hobby. This is life-support equipment for your fish...the better your equipment, the less money you'll spend on replacing expensive fish.


Active Member

Originally posted by Barry Cuda
Your decision, but IMHO trying to save money on equipment is counterproductive in this hobby. This is life-support equipment for your fish...the better your equipment, the less money you'll spend on replacing expensive fish.

and corals


Active Member
and corals
And don't forget the cost of more frequent water changes. I just bought my second bucket of Oceanic sea salt and now need to replace my RO filters. Ouch :eek: