sea cucumber?


Active Member
Brite colored ones are more toxic than the dull ones. I hope you have a dull one, you did not say which. If a colored one dies, it will more than likely take out your tank.
I had a dull one die and didn't even know it. Just couldn't find it one day, but I have about 140 gallons of water to dillute the toxin.


I have a nice bright yellow one. He was put into the tank, wandered over to a rock and hasn't moved in 2 weeks. Just puts out his little antenna to feed. Really not to much to say. But he's there. My family thinks I'm funny when i do my impression of a sea cucumber. I just put my arms over my head every few seconds. I've got him down perfect!


I've got a bright red & green one in my 75gal reef. We put it in our 40gal a few months ago before we upgraded. It landed in the sand, then began climbing until it found a spot on the back of the glass with good water flow. It parked it and never changed locations until we upgraded the tank. We had to pry it off the glass. We put it in the new tank in the same way, and it started climbing again. This time, it ended up on the front glass, and it hasn't moved since. Lol... it's right in the middle of the glass, and all we get to see is the underside. They're interesting inhabitants unless you want a lot of action.


Active Member
You should be sure to properly feed the tank with fine particulate foods.
Also be sure you do not have it in with fish that are picking at it, or with unprotected powerheads. There should be screens on the powerheads.


My sea cucumber just split! It looked like it was stretching. Then the stretching area narrowed. Then it got really thin. Then about 2 days later I have two sea cucumbers....


OMG, I never knew they could do that! I'm assuming it split lengthwise, right? Not across the middle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gkotlin
My sea cucumber just split! It looked like it was stretching. Then the stretching area narrowed. Then it got really thin. Then about 2 days later I have two sea cucumbers....
Sure would be fantastic to see pics of that.


Well thats what I would have thought as well. Especially when you look at a diagram of it's internal organs. But we're all wrong. It split across it's length. It stretched out. The center started to get thin and like a dwindling string, it got smaller and smaller. I did take a couple of pics. If someone would like to host them for people to share or link to the board, I'll be happy to share them. Sea cucumbers aren't exactly exciting. But it is quite interesting none the less. Email me at if you want me to send them to you for hosting. Then we'll post the url in the thread.