Sea Cucumbers posionious?


New Member
Are sea cucumber toxic if they die in your tank? I heard this from one of my reef friends. THanks Mike


Originally Posted by chefmack
Are sea cucumber toxic if they die in your tank? I heard this from one of my reef friends. THanks Mike
I have heard this too. I've also heard that some can release toxins if they are alive and wipe out a whole tank.


Active Member
I dont know of any species that are toxic (to corals and such) while alive, but they can definatly pollute your tank very heavily if they die, (depending on your tanks filtration capacity) they could definatly lead to a crash if your tank is at the verge of fully stocked.


Active Member
The one I have in my 125 is one of the ones that is supposed to be OK. I've had the guy so long I can't remember the species name, but I do remember doing the research and most are pretty toxic if they die off, but this one is reef safe and won't release toxins. As with any death, he can still cause AM spike if not removed. He's the best inhabitant in the tank! can't even begin to say how clean he keeps my sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
The one I have in my 125 is one of the ones that is supposed to be OK. I've had the guy so long I can't remember the species name, but I do remember doing the research and most are pretty toxic if they die off, but this one is reef safe and won't release toxins. As with any death, he can still cause AM spike if not removed. He's the best inhabitant in the tank! can't even begin to say how clean he keeps my sand.
what kind do u have? Ive always wanted a cuke but have been afriad of the toxin problem... Would it work in a 55?


me too maxalmon...if you could find the name of the one that wont crash your tank that would be really helpful.
Would it work in a 29?


I have to tell you guys... the discussion on these always seems to focus around what happens when they die but let me tell you.... they are FANTASTIC sand cleaners! I look at my tank about ten times a day so I hope to God when/if he dies I will notice right away and get him out before any damage is done but in the meantime.... he constantly scrubs the sand clean and I love having one in the tank.


Active Member
Curator's Note
Sea Cucumbers emit a toxin called holothurin. If you notice an oily residue on the surface of the acclimation container, find cucumber floating on top of the water, any cloudiness in the bag, or note that the acclimation water is very discolored do not add cucumber or acclimation water to the aquarium. If bothered by hermits, fish or any other animal it shares it’s aquarium with it may eject it’s viscera as a survival mechanism and kill off some of the fish and invertebrates it shares it’s aquarium with. Acclimate in a container separate from other purchases.