sea fan


my wife got a sea fan, is it ok to put in fo tank & when it gets dirty how to clean without bleach


Is it a live sea fan? I hope not. If it is a dead or fake sea fan that yes it can go in your fo tank. Besides for bleach the only thing you can do is scrub it under hot water. If it is a live sea fan if needs a reef tank and either a lot of light or food, depending on what type of seafan it is, and you would be better of returning this coral to the store you got it from.


Active Member
Just curious. I have used bleach in the past to clean stuff for my aquarium. I just rinse it real well when I'm done and then let it sit in some saltwater overnight before I put it back. I do the ol' sniff test and make sure it doesn't smell like bleach before I put it back. I've only done this with equipment though. HTH
Take care,
Dan'l :D


I always use mild bleach soultion let sit for a while then rince the heck out of what im cleaning & put right back in tank,so far it has worked great (10 months tank is going).


Staff member
A dead sea fan will bio-degrade, because it is dead, and pollute your tank.


OK feel free to slap me if this is wrong, but when I used to have dead corals as decorations in my tank I would use the sun to clean them.
I had a few nice pieces that I would rotate and when one piece got too covered in algae I would remove and replace it and then sit the offender in the sun for 2 days or so. The algae disappeared. I would rinse and soak overnight and the coral would go back onto the bench for rotation into the tank.
I'd actually appreciate knowing if this was a smart or a dumb move, it's something I did as a newbie (before I'd discovered the internet or ever heard of LR).