Sea Hare? Nudibranch? Dangerous hitchiker?


Active Member
Nygel, I would love to see some pictures, the ones I looked up were not that great, I could not tell from them.


Active Member
that white stuff is the suction stuff that like.. snails have, never though id have to explain the bottom of snails, so thats my best description. I got lucky and he was out (hes nocturnal now for some reason) and by the powerhead, so i shot him with the power head and the armor stuff went down a little... pics coming soon.


Active Member
ok, this guy is a money cowry. I had 2 (as shown in 1 pic) but the smaller one died. the pic will go as follows:
1. shot of it without the black stuff
2. shot of it with the black stuff covering alot of it
3. shot of it with black stuff covering all of it
4. close up I liked.
as you'll notice from the pics it lacks the long mucus liek thing trailing it, its not one of those things that is has all the times, only when its moving. Mine is quite stationary at the time of the pics.



I think you are right nygel. The pictures do look similar. The white stuff I was referring to was on his back though, not the bottom side. I think it was just receding the stuff that he pushes over his shell back inside and the shell was white looking. Who knows. I am pretty sure that is it though.


Ok after seeing your pictures that is definately what it is. It is just completely covered up with the black stuff. I haven't seen it on the glass so I havent seen the white foot. It has stayed on the rock. What is the black stuff? Is it a type of snail? How do I care for it?


Active Member
yeah, they're awesome. filter feeders I'm pretty sure. good deal getting it for free, not expensive, but not cheap (i payed $4 or so for mine.)