Sea Hare


I went to the pet stores in Monreoville today and one of them had an awful looking thing called a Sea Hare.The man working there said they were great for eating hair algae(that I have in good supply and can't seem to get rid of)and if there was no algae in my tank,it would eat the same algae strips my tangs eat.To make a long story short,I bought one.Is there anything I should know about this animal the fish store didn't tell me?I don't make a habit of buying without research,but the fish store is 100 miles away and I don't make the trip very often.


Active Member
Sea Hares are cool I think... and yes they are great hair algae eaters. I'm not sure about them eating algae sheets but I guess it's possible.
Here's mine I had...



Too cool! How long have you had him? I sure hope the guy was right when he said they are reef safe! They look like they could eat alot!


Active Member
Awsome sea hare Reefnut. I had a giant black one I bought recently but I had to return it. It was just so big for my 55 gallon tank that it was pretty ridiculous; knocking down stuff all the time. I wish I could find a smaller one around here... I liked it almost as much as my old sea cucumber.

I think I read somewhere that sea cucumbers have very short lifespans.... is this correct?


Active Member
From my understanding they do have short life spans. I had to revise my above post because I actually lost him a little while ago. It wasn't a food issue and nothing else I could think of other than old age, so to speak.


That sucks,sorry to hear that you lost him.Do they release poison when they die?I read somewhere that they might do that.


My seahare was on the rocks near the top of the reef today,so I decided to try to hand feed it some of the paper like seaweed that I feed my tangs.HE LOVED IT! he ate a 1"x1" piece that I pulled apart in small pieces and hand fed him! Too cool!


I had a pretty big size sea hare and when i ran out of hair algea I fed it the seaweed sheets and it too loved the stuff. I lost mine to a power head accident. My sponge prefilter fell off and the sea hair wanderd too close...........


Active Member
Originally Posted by minitruck
I lost mine to a power head accident. My sponge prefilter fell off and the sea hair wanderd too close...........

That tends to kill em pretty fast...If your going to try and keep a Sea hare you MUST cover all pump intakes. These things aren't perddy when they die and they can make one he!! of a mess....been there, killed that.


i remember when i bought my sea hare 3 months ago, it was roughly the size of my thumb, and my tank had so much algea it looked like a prairy in there. Now the tanks so clean i have to go and buy algea sheets casue it keeps climbing into my overflow box and cleaning that out and getting sucked into my sump