Sea Hare


New Member
:help: Where can I order a Sea Hare online? My LFS isn't able to get one for some reason. Need one to help with the green algae problem. :help:


Staff member
Since SWF is a store itself, we don't want board members to be sharing info about where to buy things at other stores.
However, your best choice is to determine why you have to problem to begin with, then fix the problem.
I'll move your topic to the New Hobbyist forum were I think you should get more help.


I bought one on the popular auction site once. If you're like me, you probably have green hair algae. Sea hare's are highly recommended to mow it down. My sea hare did great until my cleaner shrimp picked away and eventually killed it. The hare inked the heck out of my tank (non-poisonous) and my skimmer had a nice purple froth in it. Anyways, as Beth recommended, you should research what the root of the problem is. Assuming that Green Hair is your problem, do some research on Phosphates and consider your water source (tap water etc.) Good luck.


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I am researching the problem, but I think I still need to deal with the algae that's already grown. I would have ordered one from SWF but didn't see them for sale here, hence the request for purchasing one.
Thanks again.


I agree SWF need to get a larger selection and try to keep more in stock... Realy get tird of having 200 things on my wish list only to have 1 or 2 things come in every few months. $80 in item just to get a $35 fish or $20 coral gets to be a drag. My LFS has a beter selection I'm afraid to say than SWF most of the time and 2/3 of there tanks are empty! If i knew how to get a buisness licence I'd say I'm a fish store out of my home and order them direct.
Any sugestions on how to get the licence? I live in PA.