sea hare


I have a hair algae problem, and I was thinking of getting a Sea Hare. I have heard that they can be toxic. I would like to know if anyone has used a sea hare to controll hair algae, and also if they have had any trouble with them being toxic (have they lost any fish etc.)


I had one on my tank for 2 weeks. He cleaned the whole tank out. He is more of a night grazer and usually sleeps during the day. I love this animal though. He just mows through the stuff


Active Member
I have 2 in my 125, they are awesome, they just laid eggs. Just make sure you take care of the reason you have hair alge, and also make sure you do not starve the seahares when the hair alge is gone. They can release toxic ink, if stressed, but I have never had one do this, and I have had many over the 5 years I have had my tank.


I would only use a Seahare as a last resort for hair algea. They will die if they dont get enough food and then become toxic and could crash a tank. I would stay with hermits and snails to maintain a tank. You could get a lawnmower blenney.
Not to mention they are the ugliest thing your could put in a tank(personally).


Active Member
Ravennreef, I beg to differ, they are not ugly, they are cute, IMO. I guess we all have our own opinion, but if you take care of them right, they will not ink and crash your whole tank, as I stated before, I have never had one do that. They are great additions to a tank, they have lots of personality, they are social, so if you get one, I would get 2. If you do a search for seahare, i have made many posts about them, check them out. I forget who, but someone else on this board just got 6 for in their tank.


Just a little humor...
I am sure that your seahare's are gorgeous. I did once see a nice looking black with pink spots seahare but usually they are the green ones.
To keep one alive I am sure you need to put algea sheets in the tank or feed them in some another way, right.


Active Member
Since they have eaten all the hair alge, with thisone rock that grows it like crazy every once in a while, I drop alge disks, andm put alge sheets in the tank for them at night every 3 days, they love it.


Active Member
Sea hares contains no toxins to my knowledge. Perhaps you are thinking of sea apples or filter-feeding sea cucumbers?
Anything that dies in your tank could foul the water, and a starved sea hare is no exception. They need vast amounts of algae.


Active Member
have had the black ones ink, but never the blonde ones, never heard about them being toxic. Might be confused with a sea apple? And yes ugle as sin, but they are effective, datoms included. anything not nailed down really. Also seems to me that the black ones tend to be faster JMO


Active Member
rather than depend on the sea hare to rid the hair algae,
i think you should find the source and eliminate it that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by madddmarr
what happens when he runs out of food what do or can u feed it
They might eat the algae sheets sold in grocery stores or pet stores. If not you can try chaeto or other macroalgae sold at the pet store.


New Member
Just came across this post and wanted to add I purchased a sea hair for my tank about a month ago...little black fat one with green spots. Anyways was doing an excellent job getting rid of some green hair algea I had until one morning about a week later I woke up and found it sucked into my powerhead...NO CLUE how it got in there but nonetheless it did...purple ink, guts and all leaking into my tank...On the upside...I lost nothing :joy: But was told by my lps where I got it...highly toxic if it dies...I was upset all day watching my tank for signs of impending doom.... I disagree with it being toxic...totally