sea hare


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
It's all too common to hear stories of sea hares being sucked up in powerheads.
mine never got sucked up in ph they just disapeared ? is there something that will eat them i have a cbs?


New Member
Sea Hares are great for mowing down the hair algae. I had one dye in the tank from a lack of food but it didnt cause any issues.


mine did well for a week or so. Not as much of an algaemower as I expected but did well. Anyway, yesterday he got himself stuck under a rock in one of my goby's caves and died. He was a black with green spotches one. No ink, or toxins. Took a while to get him out cuz he swelled up but no real harm done except losing him cool lil self. I liked him.


I know I have to take care of the underlying cause of hair algae production, and will be using phosphate absorbers in my canister filters, but I think it will be quite some time before my sea hare runs out of food. Is a lawnmower blennie another animal that will eat hair algae?


Active Member
I had one they are very picky eaters they only eat fresh new green hair they rarely eat the dark old hair. They help with the bring down hair algae but not on scale where it can totally wipe out all the hair algae on your tank. They are slow and I think the turbo snail does a better job than these guys do.


Active Member
i had a little problem with hair algae, then i bought a sea hare an within a week it was gone so itrade him back in, because i understand they cant not survive without algae....