sea hares? anyone know anything?


got mine tuesday. I was suprised ow big it was I thougt i was going to be a small thing. right away it went to work on my rocks with hair algea. now it is working on my glass. Hummm maybe it was starved first before i got it?! Its weird looking but if it keep the hair aglea under controll I don't care what it looks like. I dripped it to acculamate


Originally Posted by wright824
got mine tuesday. I was suprised ow big it was I thougt i was going to be a small thing. right away it went to work on my rocks with hair algea. now it is working on my glass. Hummm maybe it was starved first before i got it?! Its weird looking but if it keep the hair aglea under controll I don't care what it looks like. I dripped it to acculamate
when the hair algae is gonde, it will starve without proper nurishment