sea horse in reef tank


I got a great deal on a sea horse. I put him in my 75 gallon reef. The most agressive thing is a coral banded shrimp. I wanted opions on it. I know most of the time they are put in species only tanks. I have a peice of drift wood for him to hang on to. Of course he ignores it and hangs onto the rocks and shells. I have no stinging corrals. I have mushrooms polyps zoos and a sun corral. I have a sailfin tang a firefish and a small six line wrass and an engineer goby. Other than the cb shrimp I dont think anything will mess with him. The store said to feed him brine and myos shrimp.


Active Member
He wont last long, and you probably have some fish that will. If I were you I would set up a little 10 gallon hex or something. I have a feeling that CB shrimp will get him eventually..


yup what he said i have had a cb shrimp in the past and ill tell you they will get anything that passes in front of them


He is the one I was worried about. I was hoping he will make it. I think they gave me the wrong price. He is yellow. H e is very large sea horse for $20. I never saw them so cheap so I thought I would try. The cb is mean thats for sure.


Every one I have seen was half his size and cost $80 thats why I got him. He was the largest I have seen at a store and so cheap. I thought I would try.


Active Member
At the pet store I work at we sell the 3" tall black pones for 24 bucks...I'm nto sure what they're called. A steal though if you ask me. i say go out and get him a 10 galon hezagonal tank and throw some sand and some tonga branch in there, and he'll be AY OKAY!


Sweet deal, I have been looking for yellow seahorses and can't find any. If you buy a another tank, a species tank, I strongly suggest using rock, sand and water from your 75 gallon.


the deal with seahorses is that the only eat GHOST SHRIMP and going every single day to the LFS to get GHOST SRIMP is just a pain in the neck.........not worth the hassle IMO


Active Member
A while back it was not legal to sell wild seahorses. Too bad that changed.
I think wild ones are not so common any more.
I do think a good rule of thumb is to ask to see them eat some mysis, before you buy them.


Actually wild collected seahorses are illegal form what Shedd Aquarium told me.Pipefish are the sameway.I had a chance to buy a banded pipefish from a lfs, asked to see if it was eating, they fed him live brine, he didn't touch it, always ask.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yupi1982
the deal with seahorses is that the only eat GHOST SHRIMP and going every single day to the LFS to get GHOST SRIMP is just a pain in the neck.........not worth the hassle IMO

That's not correct. I have captive bred seahorses that came to me eating frozen mysis and have been eating it for the past 7 months.
lomar, I would get that horse out of there ASAP! Not only is that shrimp a threat, but SH's are slow and cannot compete with the fish for food. I would also feed it mysis and not brine, brine has no nutritional value unless you gut load it.


What should I feed the brine to gut load them? The seahorse and evewryone else in the tank went spastic over the brine.