Sea Horses, Easy Or Hard?


Seahorses are difficult to raise in a reef tank..They can be very distructive to any Plants you have as they need to "hold on" with there tails...Its better to have just a Seahorse tank, than mixing
Good luck :p


depends whom you ask...from what most seem to say, they can be difficult to feed, must be kept in a species only tank, even if they breed they must have seperate tank aftwards for the spawn, water has to be perfect, & are prone to disease...course there are those who just jump into it & do well...course there does seem to be a huge decimating the population issue to think about


From what I've heard (not personal experience)...yes.
Why not try a Moorish Idol instead...just kidding.
I've always heard seahorses need a very quiet tank, are difficult to feed, and have to be fed 4 times a day. However my local LFS has captive raised seahorses which they claim are much hardier and easier to feed.

madd catt

There is a company called ocean rider that raises and sells them.They are easier to keep and they sell nearly everthing that you need for them.I think that might have some?ocean rider has tons of info on them and so dose


They are hard to keep. I kept them like 5 years ago. Mine feed easy, but it was at the lfs for about two months. Mine survivor for like a year. Good luck with them if you get them. they are an interesting animal to have. I would try them again but currently dont have any saltwater tanks set up.